Meet Jonathan

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"My brother is alive?!" Seraphina was standing in her father's study, in complete shock. Valentine Morgenstern nodded at her, his sharp face sincere. He was in one of his famous Italian pin striped suits, his pale blond hair combed back properly.
"Yes.... Jonathan is alive. But I must warn you, Jonathan is a bit special." Clary groaned. "Your brother was fed greater demon in the womb, Seraphina, so he has enhanced speed, strength, and power. But he is not very....good with emotions. I don't know how he may react to you, but you may perform missions with him if all goes well."
"Clarissa." Seraphina didn't know what to expect, but the pale, ivory haired boy in gear was not she would have expected as her brother, Jonathan Christopher. He was the spitting image of Valentine, but different. His hair was unruly, he never wore Italian suits, and wore gear all the time. Also, there seemed to be something deviant about him.
"Jonathan." She replied cautiously. His mouth split into a smile that would make Lucifer jealous. "Why so cold, little sister?" He crooned, stepping closer. "Well, I'm just making sure that you are not going to drink my blood or anything." He laughed at her words, and was even closer. "So, Sis why did you join us?" He wondered. She looked at him straight in the eye. "My mother betrayed me, and hid my true identity from me. I hunger for the darkness to capture me in its arms, and to experience true sin. I am sick of being the good girl."
Jonathan now had her caged in a corner. "I think I'm gonna like you very much sister dearest." A wolfish grin dominated his face. "Sister, we are going to a club." He announced.
~Few hours later, some downworlder club god knows where~
"Another shot!" Seraphina called, slurring slightly. Her ivory hair was now tussled, and her pale face was covered in sweat from being stuck between a mass of bodies. As the four-armed ifrit passed her another shot of some sloshing purple liquid, she saw a flash of gold.
As her brother was too busy watching her with amusement, while refilling his own glass, a group of nephilim entered the club. There were two boys and a girl. One boy was kinda shy looking, with raven hair and dark blue eyes. The one who caught her attention was all gold. Golden tan, golden hair, and even golden eyes.
Jonathan didn't seem to give them any attention. "Sweet sister, for this occasion, I got some special sinful materials from an ifrit. How about we celebrate our belated and long due reunion by condemning your mother's moral beliefs?" He held out a rectangular wooden box. Inside were four long purple sticks, just waiting to be lighted. Practically reading her mind, Jonathan took out his silver Morgenstern lighter and lit two. One for him, one for her.
That's when the golden boy and his entourage decided to spoil their fun. "Aren't you shadow hunters?" He asked, cocking an eyebrow in amusement. The siblings both snorted. "Yes, I believe so, since we are wearing marks. I'm afraid you interrupted my sweet sister and I's quality time alone."
Jonathan responded, sounding annoyed. They both puffed a cloud of silver fairy dust in sync.
"You mean 'get-drunk-and-high' time? Also, your sister looks like she tortures bunnies, she has probably downed her eighth shot of the angel knows what, and she's smoking some fairy stick. Yeah I don't think she is sweet. I'm shudder to think what a menace is to you." The boy said this all, while eying Seraphina flirtaciously. "I'm Jace Wayland sweetheart" He winked at her. She snorted and scooted closer to her brother.
"You know what, dear brother? Perhaps we should show this pest how....talented we are." Seraphina suggested to Jonathan. He smirked at her and got up to find an easy meal. There. A mundane boy, with curly brown hair and glasses, he was probably a vampire's meal. Too bad. He was theirs now.
Seraphina sauntered up to him, hips swaying. She slowly circled around him, touching his chest, shoulders and face with her finger tips. She slowly got faster. Her brother joined her in the dance. While she entwined counterclockwise, he did so clockwise. Then, in the strange rush, for a fleeting second, their lips found his neck. The mortal was in a trance.
"To us-" "Always us."
"You crave for the darkness-"
"We know." "We can help you"
"Isn't that your desire?"
"Do it." "Embrace the darkness..."
"I embrace it..." The poor mortal moaned. Before, the siblings had a silver glow emanating from them. They were ethereal. The mundane was whisked off and away, and later the Morgenstern siblings returned, Jonathan mumbling to his sister about a debt to some demon payed off. Meanwhile, the shadow hunters of the New York institute were frozen in confusion.
Eventually, Isabelle started rambling. "OK, what the HELL was that? What happened to the mundane?" Seraphina flipped her silvery hair across her shoulders. "It was just a stupid mundane, fellow shadow hunter, and he was alive....when we left him. Now please excuse us, but me and my darling brother want to get back to our vices."

-In New York-
The shadow hunters from the New York institute were returning home from that odd trip to that club in Phoenix. As they were walking, a flyer smacked Jace in the face.
Clarissa Adele Fray, 16 years old. A caucasian teen. Has red curly hair, freckles, and green eyes. Height: approximately 5 foot, 3 inches. Is wanted returned to her mother, Jocelyn Fray.
Under the words was a colored picture. It was of a laughing girl, with a beautiful smile. She looked quite familiar. Those eyes.... "It can't be..." Jace muttered. He was going insane. "Hey guys, look at this." The group all examined the picture.
"She kinda looks familiar," Isabelle noted. The group nodded in agreement. Alec, who had the talent on reading people, broke his silence. "It's the girl in the club. I knew there was something off about her. The way she acted towards her brother.... it was like they hadn't seen each other for a while. Her appearance probably somehow got changed. That flyer didn't mention anything about her having a brother."

Well guys, I'm back! I'm so happy that people are liking my new story. This story is going to have longer chapters than my previous story,but will take longer to update. This story is going to not be as long as Her Own Dark Angel, but I will make it end with closure. Please comment if you want Clabastian, bro*sis bonding, or what crazy adventures you think Jon and Seraphina should go on. Should the gang find out about "Seraphina Morgenstern?" Her past? Please comment your ideas! Thank you so much for reading! :D -I

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