Hearts meet souls

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Boring. The sky was a foggy blue, from the pollution of New York. A fat pigeon sang its own song while fighting with a rat on the sidewalk below Jocelyn Morgenstern's apartment building. Jonathan was glaring at everything on sight, while Seraphina was extremely bored. Jocelyn wasn't even home yet! They searched the apartment, looking for the cup, but Jocelyn must have hidden it somewhere.
Jonathan was mumbling cusses under his breath. Mostly about what Raziel should do with an ifrit. "Jonathan, she was wrong to leave you so young. She doesn't deserve you even thinking of the her. She's a liar and selfish. Forget about her..."
Jonathan's mouth curled. "Then what should I think about?" His eyes were sparking like the darkest but brightest stars. "How about you think about your beautiful sister who is sitting in front of you, who has nothing to do?" Jonathan just smiled.
After a long peaceful silence, Seraphina grumbled, "I'm bored.... I don't know what to do!" She jumped when she felt hot air on the curve of her neck. "I have some ideas...." Seraphina was pinned against the hard brick wall outside the apartment. A pair of hot lips suffocated her in the best way imaginable. She twined her arms around Jonathan's strong neck. He suddenly lifted her up and she hooked her long legs around his slender feline frame.
"I'm not bored at all anymore..."
Isabelle Lightwood took her job very seriously. That job was putting on a fresh coat of nail polish. Of course, she was supposed to watch Jocelyn Morgenstern's apartment building, but it got boring. But she always got distracted when she heard the sounds of people making out. So, of course, she went to find out who was making out.
A couple with pale hair and shadowhunter gear were in a serious make out sesh. Like, tongues, hickies, and being passionately pressed against a poor brick building. These guys just screamed 'Get a room'. Isabelle coughed. They jumped apart as fast as they probably got on that wall in the first place.
Their faces were flushed, and their hair was sticking to their foreheads. Their lips were swollen and red from so much lip-on-lip contact. But still, Isabelle could recognize them as the BROTHER and SISTER from the club the other day.
Isabelle Lightwood didn't say anything for five minutes. Her mouth was open in shock and disgust. The siblings seemed cautious, but defensive. Their confidence slowly seeped back into them. Jonathan's arm slowly snaked around Seraphina's waist soothingly. Finally, our shocked heroine was able to form words.
"WHAT. THE. HELL. WHAT KINDA SHIT ARE YOU GUYS INTO?!" She screamed. A muscle ticked in Jonathan's jaw. He slowly analyzed her, as if checking if she was a threat. His eyes narrowed slightly. He slowly sneered back a retort. "Says the girl who slutted around Idris and New York just to get attention. Why must you dig your nose into our love life, as we haven't done to yours."
"Then why do you claim to know about my love life?" She snapped. Seraphina just laughed. "Yes we know of your love life. But we didn't learn of it by snooping. We just learned of the Lightwood bitch who is like all Lightwoods. Demon breeders. Did you hear of your ancestor Benedict Lightwood? He was the first known case of demon pox. He was known for fooling around with demonesses. You like to screw fairy knights and vampires."
Right before Isabelle attacked the siblings, they sauntered away, leaving no trace behind.
-New York Institute-
Isabelle Lightwood slammed her fist on the wood table in the meeting room. "Those Morgenstern brats are sick. When I was watching Jocelyn Morgenstern's apartment building, I caught those rat bastards practically on the wall, eating eachother's faces, groping, all of it except the deed itself. They seemed to be watching Jocelyn's house before they got distracted. I think for a second they thought I was Valentine, cause they freaked out big time before they saw it was me.
"They seem to have Daddy Dearest's opinion of downworlders since they called me a 'Demon Breeder'. Just because I had a thing with a fairy knight and vampire and more they compare me to the first known demon pox victim. Who happened to be a Lightwood."
Jace smirked, and his eyebrows lifted in amusement. "Oh, I could make her a 'Demon Breeder' cause I am devilishly handsome!" Alec rolled his eyes. "Sorry to say it Jace, but I think she has a different type. Her brother." Jace's face broke into a pout. "But Izzy, I don't know what I'm feeling..." Isabelle patted his shoulder. "It's rejection." (A/N sorry but I couldn't help but put some Penny Dreadful in there ;))
Jonathan captured her lips with his, biting and sucking until both their lips were red and swollen. "Now where were we..." Seraphina giggled. "I believe somewhere around here...?" Jonathan gasped when her teeth grazed that soft spot on his neck. He squeezed her hips roughly. They both wanted to giggle in the moment, to bask in their emotions, their newfound solace in eachother.
But... they were on a mission. "We need to.... retrieve the mortal....cup. Father wanted..... stop it! He wanted us to get it! We can continue later... I promise."
~ Later~
"You said you thought it was in the tarot card?" Jonathan asked dubiously. His long frame towered over Seraphina's fiery little body, which was hard at work sketching runes on the card. Slowly, the card shimmered, the hand letting go of the cup. Jonathan's eyes were wide as Seraphina lifted the golden adamas cup out of the tarot card. "We got it." He breathed into her neck.
"Father will be pleased." Little did they know, that what romance was bubbling up, was a twisted act of nature. The creation of a new race. The birth of an army. A mother to start it all.

Any of you guys watch Penny Dreadful? My favorite is Dorian Gray. Maybe I should do a fan fic? ;) So what do you guys think I have up my sleeve? Here's a shout out to:

Teohalmlover731, livelife51, _Dauntless_forever, RaitoSakamaki2, paper-butterfly, RoseQueen16, charlettewhitlock, enostervy, AshantiaCorolaea, LucindasEveningLight, that_jenna_chic, Gryffinclaw_life, AryaDumbledore, and Eliza_Elli!
How do you guys feel about the TMI tv show? I think that the guy who plays Alec looks exactly what I thought he would be. I personally loved Jamie Campbell Bower in the movie, and Lily Collins, Robert Sheehan and Kevin Zegers. It was a great cast, but the movie itself was a bit poor. Opinions anybody? Kisses!

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