65 - Asher the Envoy

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"Sure I'll be. I can't imagine sending you a few letters from time to time would hinder me in any way, so why not? Or is there something special I'll have to do when you're, like, my boss? In this world, there must be a few skills, or other methods, for sending long distance messages pretty quickly, or even instantaneously.

Wait, let me see... I think I already have a skill like that-" Rike lifted his hand to interrupt me before I could finish my thought.

He let his hand down and said, "Relax, that's not required; I will send Wystus with you, and at the proper moments, he'll report to me."

"Really?" I raised an eyebrow and replied, "I assumed that 'the companion for life' wouldn't be handed away so easily. Or, mhh, I'm not sure how strongly I am connected to my 'life companion'.


No, I wouldn't abandon Faye, since she is helpful."

Rike flashed a mischievous grin, revealing a glint of his pearly whites. "Do not worry," he said in a voice laced with confidence. "Wystus is unique and resourceful. He can separate himself with ease and wouldn't get worked up about performing a duet."

As he spoke, a thick cloud of smoke erupted from the earth engulfing Rike. A portion of the smoke then flowed loose and encircled me before dissipating... into me? It felt quite bizarre. I shuddered at the feeling, and I wasn't sure how to express exactly how it felt.

"Could have warned me first," I muttered, "And what do I have to do?" as I patted down my body.

I was trying to see if I could feel the smoke snake, but it felt like it completely vanished.

Detecting such a low amount of smoke was almost impossible. The best I could do was try not to make Wystus uncomfortable around me.

Rike shrugged, nonchalantly. "Well, this assignment doesn't require urgency because we both have time, do we not?" He continued, "Just make sure that when you're in a different nation, you try to visit the current ruler at my behest. That includes King Sybil, Wo Aini the Imperial Highness, Rene the Child Sovereign, and the like. Make it known to them that Chauk wants no trouble and, in times of need, we'll offer help to anyone who requests it."

"Hold on, a moment," I said, rubbing my chin. "Aini? I think I recognize that name from somewhere, and Rene... feels so familiar somehow."

With that, I delved deep into my memory, trying to recall where I had heard those names before, but I couldn't really place them.

"It is understandable given their celebrated fame; it would be odd if you were unaware of them. Yet, they are the most hospitable of the monarchs.

A few words of wisdom—no, rather, commands that you are thus required to adhere to.

You'll remain a high-elf. This is not negotiable. Whatever you have done to 'become' one, do not change it. And please, do act appropriately whenever you 'act' in my name. I am aware of how strong individuals like yourself and I mow through the more base things in the world, but self-control is essential in this matter.

Everything we do, I, and from here on out, you, reflects upon Chauk and its people.

It is essential to prioritize their well-being and not to rile up the slightest idea of conflict against Chauk in any other nation or people.

This responsibility is particularly crucial even when visiting ...nastier nations like Welia or Tweldov, where the laws and norms may differ from those in Chauk or other places you may already have been, and our kind is not the most welcome.

However, during your off-time, you are free to act as you please.

One critical point to remember is to avoid Alvansiedel, a high-elf nation. The queen, Kunin Yrmell von Dolwich, is a fanatic supremacist who looks down upon other elves, especially those with no reputation. As an unknown high-elf, you are vulnerable to attacks, and any mention of your connection to Chauk or your purpose as an ambassador could put you in grave danger. She is someone who would like to see my head on a pike and would not shy to stoop down and endanger and main others to get her way.

Remember to maintain self-control and discretion to ensure the safety and success of your mission.

"Got it, boss. I understand. When I meet another high-elf, then I'll zip it and go away."

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