97 - Asher's last Hurrah for Papia

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At breakfast the next day, after the weirdness Asher had with the dragon last night, he announced that he had big news.

As I nonchalantly smeared jelly on a piece of bread, Asher rose from his seat and directed his attention towards the king. ""I have some big news," he announced, causing a sense of anticipation to fill the room. All eyes were now on him as he continued, "I would like for Papia to stay here in my stead, permanently. As a guide for you, but also as an important task which I believe will help her grow into her future responsibilities. She'll be dealing with all matters related to elves.

I'd also like Ravana to look over her. A dragon, especially her, is someone I'd trust.

What do you say, King Padillia?"

There was a silence. I was in shock.

As I thought about Asher's proposal, the king spoke up, stammering slightly. "I-I don't know- well, if you, rather, her... think it's best."

Turning towards me, Asher asked, "And you, Papia. Are you fine with this development? A life in a human castle? Do you think it would befit you?"

I remained silent for a few moments, my mind racing. Rejecting his proposal was not an option.

That's not something Lady Papia, daughter of Sir Asher, would say.

It would be suspicious and if the king found out that I was a fraud, it could have been the gallows for me, not just me, Asher too.

...Although he could live, diplomatic immunity or the like, but I didn't know if it was the same for me.

I was just some girl, nothing special about me. If the king wanted, then my life would be forfeited.

Asher's proposal had taken me completely off guard. A life in a castle was not something I had ever imagined for myself, but at the same time, it was an opportunity that most young girls could only dream of. Warm water, an abundance of food, and servants at my beck and call; it all sounded so tempting. However, the responsibilities that came with it were overwhelming.

In my mind, Asher was the devil, swooping in to uproot my life and force me into a role that I wasn't sure I was ready for. What am I saying? I was completely out of my depth here. The weight of the responsibility that would come with being a guide for the king and dealing with matters related to the elves was more than just daunting. Despite my reluctance, however, I knew that I had to make a decision. I couldn't let Asher down, he's a maniac and I don't know what he would do if I said not; and I certainly couldn't risk being exposed as a fraud.

As I looked over at him, I couldn't help but notice a faint hint of a smirk on his face. It was almost as if he was enjoying the situation, relishing the power he held over me. "Come on, Asher, don't make me do this!" I thought to myself, feeling a surge of frustration.

Eventually, I found my voice and replied, "I do believe I can take on that role." As soon as the words left my mouth, I knew that my fate was sealed. The rest of the day passed by in a blur as Asher was busy with the king, queen, and dragon, discussing various matters that were of no interest to me.

The following day, he disappeared completely, leaving behind a small present on my bedside table.

As I opened it, a little smoke emerged, causing me to jump back in surprise. There was also a note attached, informing me that the smoke was the familiar of Crown Rike, the king of Chauk, a smoke snake called Wystus, and that I had been officially invited to the diplomats of Chauk.

The rest was:

"Hey Paps, sorry to leave so abruptly, but sheesh, the king was so boring, wasn't he?

Anyway, it's cool for you to hang in the castle now, right?

I thought it was the perfect excuse for some random homeless girl I found to get the best treatment in the entire kingdom, no?

No need to thank me, all in a day's work.

Try not to mess it up. I believe in you, dattebayo!

Take care now!"

In bigger letters, he wrote X O X O at the bottom; whatever that was supposed to mean.

What the hell was he thinking leaving me all alone in the castle? As I finished reading his note, my anger towards him began to boil over.

"What an asshole," I muttered under my breath, feeling a sense of betrayal.

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