Chapter 5: Sector Seven

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"Oh you a-holes are in trouble now. Gentlemen, I'd like to introduce you to my friends, Optimus Prime and Tracer." Sam introduces. I grin viciously as I watch one man in particular, his eyes blown wide in fear and shock. "Taking the children was a bad move. Autobots, relieve them of their weapons." Optimus orders, "Freeze!" Ironhide orders down at the other humans with cannons pointed, I watch with a grin as guns go flying through the air as the agents panic. I turn to Jazz who pulled the guns away from them by some magnetic pull. "That was pretty cool." I grin and I see his metal chest puff up in pride.

"Whoa! Whoa!" That one agents calls. "Hi, there." He calls nervously, "You don't seem afraid. Are you not surprised to see us?" Optimus comments, "Don't let him fool you prime, he's shitting his pants right now." I laugh jumping down from the top of the hood. "Look, there are S7... protocols... okay? I'm not authorized to communicate with you except to tell you I- can't communicate with you." He struggles to get out.

"Get out of the car." Optimus orders, "All right. All right. Me? You want me to—" The agent sputters, "Now!" Optimus growls. "All right, all right. Get out. Hey. All right, I'm... yeah, I'm getting out. I'm getting out. You see? Very nifty how you put us down without really... killing us." The agent panics pushing his other agent along with him. I watch the man ramble on, no longer having any decent thoughts. "Christ do you ever shut up?" I groan. His eyes suddenly snap to me, "You." He accuses with a glare. "Me?" I smirk with a finger pointed to my chest, "I'd know you anywhere, I should have known you'd find them first you little techno rat." He spat. I quirk my brow at him, "Such harsh words, is Sector Sevens really that sore of a loser." I grin. "Why you little—" He starts before Sam walks over.

"What is Sector Seven? Answer me." Sam demands, "I'm the one who asks questions around here. Not you, young man!" The agent snap. "How'd you know about the aliens?" Mikaela steps in, "Where did you take my parents?" Sam questions again, "I am not at liberty to discuss—" The Agent starts.

"No?" Sam asks almost smugly as he reaches into the man's suit pocket, "Hey. You touch me, that's a federal offense." The agent warns, "Do-whatever-you-want-and-get-away-with-it badge, right?" Sam questions holding up a badge. "Yeah. Brave now all of a sudden, with his big alien friend standing over there." The agent bemuses. "Where is Sector Seven?" Sam continues to interrogate, "Wouldn't you like to know?" The agent mocks. I let out a loud tired groan, Bumblebee glances at me before letting out an electronic squeal. I quirk my eyebrow at him as he reaches down and pops something off of him and hits the agent in the head. I watch with wide eyes as a fluid then rains down upon him and hits other agents in the crossfire. Laughter rips from my throat and I can't help but curl into myself as I hear the agent loudly protest being soaked.

"Bumblebee, stop lubricating the man." Optimus calls, "Get that thing to stop, huh?" The agent groans. I suck in greedy breaths as I try to stop laughing, holding onto Bumblebee's leg to not fall down. "Bee, Bee baby." I call tapping his leg through my labored breathes, the yellow robot instantly looks down, "You sir, are so fucking bad but also so fucking amazing." I wheeze out. "Baby I'm a badboy." His radio sings out as Bumblebee shrugs like it wasn't anything. I roll my eyes as the two other teenagers start to handcuff the agents together.

"Hey guys," I call leaning onto Bumblebee's leg, "Sector Seven is an underground government project meant to track and research alien artifacts and beings." I explain, "And how do you know that?" Sam questions. "My dad worked for them, I'm sure you remember him right Simmons?" I sneer, "He would have been a great director if he hadn't gone AWOL." He gruffs. I stomp over to him, "It was your project that went AWOL." I sneer, "Tell that to the paperwork he left behind." Simmons scoffs. I blindly throw a punch nailing the agent right in the nose. "You know." I call shaking my fist as I watch him groan and hold his nose, "Your fervent misguided sense of entitlement is astonishing." I scoff.

"All right, tough guy, take it off." Mikaela huffs, "What are you talking about?" Simmons questions, "Your clothes, all of it, off." She snips. "For what?" The man huffs, "For threatening my dad." She glares. I watch the disbelief take over Simmons's face as he starts to strip down, "Little lady, this is the beginning of the end of your life. You're a criminal. Uh huh. Let's face facts. It's in your gene pool." Simmons seethes as he strips down to a Sector Seven white-beater and boxers. "Those are nice. Now back behind the pole." Mikaela scoffs.

"All right." The man grunts putting hand hand behind the pole, "This is such a felony, what you're doing." One agent calls, "Shut it buttplug." I hiss before turning and walking away. "I will hunt you down, okay?" Simmons calls, "He'll hunt you down." Buttplug calls. "Without any remorse!" Simmons adds, "No remorse." The Buttplug echos. I raised my middle finger to the air and kept walking. I always hated those fucking dirtbags.

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