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"I can't do this anymore" I whisper. I haven't been the best at admitting my feeling ever. Some people would call me a pushover while others would just call me shy. This was brand new to me. I found out that my boyfriend of 3 years had been cheating on me for most of our relationship. I was in our shared apartment in Monaco when I learned that he cheated on me while he is god knows where in the world for his job. I called him and confronted him about it. Of course, he tried to gaslight and manipulate me into thinking that it was all an accident. I finally broke.

"I can't do this anymore Charles," I said again hoping that this time it set into his brain that I am done.

"Elizabeth, you can't just be done with me," he said.

"Yes I can, and I am. You cheated on me and then continue to gaslight me into thinking you didn't when it was your friends who were done with your bullshit who told me about it. God. You act like I can't make decisions by myself. I'm sorry but cheating is unacceptable in my head and the fact that this wasn't just a once-off while you were drunk is even worse. Charles, this was a repeated thing with the same girl. I really hope you are happy with her because we are done. All of my stuff will be gone from the apartment before you return. Bye Charles, hope you have a great life."

"Eliza-" I hang up before he gets a chance to say anything. I call my mom and tell her I am coming home and then start packing. I don't have much everything can be stuffed into three suitcases max. Flying home to Austin, Texas will be a change, but I can't stay in Europe. Everywhere I know that has suitable apartments/hotels are near racetracks. I am sure there are other places, but I want to go somewhere that is familiar to me.

As I get one suitcase full of my stuff, my phone starts ringing. Thinking it's my mom I answer without looking at who it is.


"Hey, Elizabeth." a man with a Spanish accent says.

"Carlos? Why are you calling me?" I ask because he is Charles' teammate.

"Charles just told me about the news. I am so sorry," he says.

"It's fine really. He's an asshole cheater. There's nothing I can do to change it." I say. Carlos knows that I am not really fine. He has been the one throughout the years to always notice when I was upset or when something was wrong.

"He's an asshole I can tell you that, but I know you're not really fine El. Be honest."

"Fine. I am not really fine. I am fucking hurt. How could he do that? Repeatedly. How could I have been so oblivious to it too." I said.

"He did it because he's fucking immature and he can't see that he had the most perfect girl in front of him. If it makes you feel any better, I was also oblivious until about a week ago. I told him he needed to tell you if he was going to continue to see her and I threatened to tell you if he didn't first."

"Thanks, Carlos. You always know what to say to make me feel better. If you don't mind me asking, where are you right now?"

"I am currently in Spain. We just started our summer break."

"Do you mind if I come to stay with you for a few days just until I can get a flight to Austin?"

"I don't mind at all. When you land though we are going to the best club in Madrid."

"Okay. I'll see you soon."

"Adios, Elizabeth"

"Bye, Carlos"

We hung up and I got back to packing. I finished packing within 30 minutes, booked a flight to Madrid, and called my parents to let them know it would be another week or two before I was back in Texas. 

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