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Carlos and I didn't leave the room after we had announced our relationship. We laid in bed all night just wondering how everyone was taking it apart from the people allowed to comment on our posts. We eventually went to sleep cuddling.

I woke up the next morning and walked out of the room leaving Carlos to sleep. I walk into the kitchen and see Alex up and making breakfast. "Good morning," she says as she turns around to look at me. 

"Good morning, what are you making?"

"Just eggs and sausage"

"Do you need any help?" I ask her.

"No, I'm okay, but if I were you I would go and look at the gossip pages on Instagram. They are fascinating," she says as she resumes cooking.

"Okay." I pull out my phone and am immediately greeted with lots of DMs. I skip over those and look at my tagged photos. I look at all of them and every post is about how they are overjoyed that Carlos and I are together. People even stated how they had met us in the past when I was with Charles and they could just feel a vibe. Nobody is outwardly being mean and rude. This went better than expected. As I continue to go through them, Carlos comes up behind me and hugs me from behind. I look at him and he kisses me. I kiss him back. 

We eventually pull away from each other when we hear Charles clear his throat from behind us. "Just because I support you guys, doesn't mean I want to see you make out in front of me, especially in my house," he says as he heads over to Alex and gives her a small kiss. 

"Hey, Charles," Carlos says. Charles turns around and looks at us. Carlos leans down and kisses me deeply with his hand around my neck. I smile into the kiss as I hear Charles faking throwing up causing all of us to laugh. 

Carlos moves to sit beside me. "So, what do you guys want to do today? If nothing then it's fine, my boat is still docked here and me and El can go out," Carlos says to the couple standing in front of us. 

Charles looks at Alex and they both nod at an understanding between them, "I think we'd like to just stay in today. We just got back from sailing early yesterday, so we want a day to rest," Charles says. Carlos and I share a look. 

I stand up and walk over to the couple. I hug Alex and then hug Charles as well. "Thank you for everything, Charles," I whisper. 

"Of course, El. I didn't mean to hurt you and you know I'd do anything for you," he whispers back. I nod and step away from him. Carlos goes in to hug Charles and turns to shake Alex's hand. We go back to the bedroom and change into swimsuits and coverups. We then packed up what we had gotten out. We head out of the bedroom and thank the couple again. We leave and head to Carlos' boat and decide to just take a day trip out on the water. 

We sail for a while until we are pretty far away from the mainland. Carlos stops the boat and comes over to me. We sit in comfortable silence for a while, just enjoying the view and each other's company. We take pictures of each other to post later. After a while, we decided we should probably eat something, so we headed down to the living area of his yacht. We made something simple with what he had on board and sat down and ate. We talk about the upcoming race and how he still owes my dad a golf match. Once we finish eating we decide to just lay in the living quarters for a little bit.

 As we are cuddling in the bed, he starts kissing me. I kiss him back and eventually, things start getting heated. He moves to where he is now hovering over me. I move my hands to the waistband of his swim trunks. I tug at them and he takes them off. I take my bottoms and top off. He puts one hand on my waist and the other on my center. He rubs circles over my clit and inserts one finger. I moan at the feeling. I reach down and touch his dick. I start pumping it at the same pace his fingers are going in me. We are both moaning loudly. I feel him come close to the edge so I stop. This causes him to falter slightly and he takes his fingers out. 

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