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"You what?" he asks.

"I think I love you. It's okay if you don't feel the same way," I say looking him in the eyes.

"Of course I love you. I have since the moment we met. I mean how can you not? You're funny, smart, and drop-dead gorgeous. Elizabeth, I want to be with you. Whether it is private or public that is up to you. I will do anything and everything in my power to make you happy," he says as he leans in to kiss me.

I kiss him back. After a few seconds I pull away, "I want to be private about it, at least for now. I don't want people to tell me I moved on too quickly even though I don't even feel bad about Charles and I's break up. I feel like people are going to judge the both of us no matter when we come out about this," I say as I lay my head down on his bare chest.

"I'm happy with the plan if you are mi amor," he says reassuringly as he plays with my hair.

We sit in silence until I feel Carlos move me and get up. I look at him and see that he is heading toward the bathroom. I get up and grab my phone and then get back into bed. I look at the time — 3:00 pm. I decided to start looking up remote vacation places around the world. 

I hear Carlos walk out of the bathroom and say, "What are you looking at?"

"I was looking at good vacation spots," I say.

"Why? I am fine right here."

"Because I am sorry, but I want to go out and about with you, and here everyone knows who you are. We are less than 30 minutes away from the track. I want to go somewhere where we can be alone and not have to worry about fans taking pictures of us," I say while scrolling through different travel websites.

Carlos just looks at me and comes back to the bed grabbing me by my waist. "I am perfectly fine spending my summer break coupled up in this room with you or at your parent's house. Don't you have your own place near here?" 

"I do, but it is currently being renovated, so I can't stay there until it gets finished."

"Ah, I see," he says as he starts to kiss me on my neck.

"Are you sure about us staying here? I mean I want to go out and about with you."

He stops kissing my neck and looks me in the eyes, "I don't care what we do. As long as I am with you, I am happy. I haven't been this happy in a while. It's up to you, but I personally do not care if we are found out by fans or paparazzi because their opinions do not matter. They are going to talk shit no matter when we come out about us."

"I know, but what if we just stay private but somewhat secret you know?"

"How exactly will we do that if the fans find out?"

"Say we go out tonight to a club, let people see us together let them speculate. I make a post with comments disabled that show that I am with someone, but no one knows that it is you. If you want you could make a similar post that would clue people in that we are together, but if you don't want to do that then it's fine and we can just remain completely private and secret even though I do want to show you off at some point."

"That sounds great, but what about wanting to keep it completely private?" he asks as I set my phone down on my chest.

"As you said, they are going to talk shit about us no matter when we decide to tell everyone, why not make it fun in the process?" I reply with a giggle.

Carlos laughs at the last part and says, "So, do you want to go clubbing tonight?"

"Hell yeah!"

"I didn't bring any clubbing clothes though, I brought mostly comfy clothes."

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