Violet - March 11, 1999

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Violet Burlington
304 Penrose St
PH #1
New York, NY 10022

Jack Hemmings
Attending Box #96
Veckshaus Poste Officen
Cøllette, La Gracía 000-01
La Gracía

March 11, 1999

Dear Jack/Luke,

I'm really glad to hear that you and your family liked the article and the photos. And it's an enormous relief to know I haven't caused any wrinkles for you because it's been a little bit nerve wracking having it out for a few days but not getting to talk to you about it yet. Thank you for your reassurance and for believing in me, because I did start to worry a bit more than usual. I hope that doesn't sound too lonely and high-maintenance.

Congratulations on the tourism boost! I'm really pleased that people are as interested in La Gracía as I was (and am ◡̈ ) and hope that it means that the Grazítakken Festival has high attendance too. Michael and I, as luck would have it, have not booked anything yet. If you are still willing to take us, we would gladly stay at Camellia. Meeting your mom sounds really nice and she seems wonderful, but I've never met a Queen before. Is there anything in particular that I should wear (or not wear)? And maybe you can give me a crash course on the formalities again when I see you?

I'm so sorry Valentina's cold is back and that the medicine is only working sometimes. Good that you're getting sleep even though the circumstances aren't good right now. Chandler is an excellent choice for a favorite character. I wish I could be there now with both of you and I'm sending all my best wishes until I fly in.

Hopefully I'm allowed to write this now... I miss you profoundly. I miss your smile and your kindness and watching you completely annihilate me in chess. It's killing me that I have to wait even one week until I get to see it all again. This time, though, I get to watch you play guitar for the first time. I can already tell it's going to be one of my favorite things about next weekend. And I'm glad you liked the photos from the afterparty; I had the best time taking them. I'll take more, if you like- whenever and wherever.

I hardly have words for the poem you sent me. It was moving on a level I've seldom experienced. Please know I say this with the utmost appreciation of your vulnerability, but I don't want you to feel like you have to share anything if you're not ready. I am always here to listen to anything you want to say and everything I read was stunning. I am in awe; but please don't feel any pressure to say more than you want to.

I see you just seven days from now. And fewer, by the time you read this. It finally stopped snowing here. Maybe it's temporary but it's nice that winter is almost over, isn't it? Summer will be here before we know it. ◡̈

Sending you my best and better.


P.S. I have officially given up on Harry Potter in Gracían. I'd much rather learn it from you.

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