Luke - March 15, 1999

177 18 10

Jack Hemmings
Attending Box #96
Veckshaus Poste Officen
Cøllette, La Gracía 000-01
La Gracía

Violet Burlington
304 Penrose St
PH #1
New York, NY 10022

March 15, 1999

Dear Vi,

I think you're a hit here. I'll show it to you when you get here, but there's a newspaper with your name on it. "Vi Madden i America" which means "We Made It In America" and that would be all thanks to you. Everyone seems to think it's rather cool to see something about tiny little La Gracía in the same magazine as the American movie stars. Not so sure about my face being there too, but I suppose I'll add it to my bucket list just so I can cross it off.

I'm glad you're able to write freely in our letters now. I haven't read something like that about myself before but I think I could get used to it. Can't wait to amuse you with my terrible lack of finger skills. We'll find time for reading and more pictures.

Valentina misses you. She's going to try her best to come to the festival but things aren't so good here sometimes. We were hiding out at Whindchester so I could be away from home for a little while, so I apologize for this letter being a bit later than normal. But she wants to see you while you're here. She likes you a great deal and has asked for me to include that in my letter. (Just to be clear, I haven't shared anything you've written to me. It is all private, I promise.)

Perhaps I would sound rude for saying this aloud, but I must say it all the same. I don't think there's anyone on this island that awaits your visits more than I. They feel all too fleeting; like I get momentary glimpses of you between long shifts of monotony. Just often enough to look forward to them; but just short enough where I never feel full by the moment you leave. Always in wanting. Wanting one more thrown game of chess. Wanting one more dance. Wanting just a bit more.

The tourism boost is... nice. I've only been to one official engagement since the article came out, but I swear there were a few people there who hadn't the foggiest as to who I was... or am, I guess. Ashton seemed a bit peeved, but I rather liked it. Either way, it's a bit satisfying to watch his cheeks turn into tomatoes, don't you think?

I'm excited for more of our families to meet. In regards to your question, I will ask that you not wear anything dark green on the trip. I'm not sure if you know or not, but green (especially emerald) is reserved for, well, my Mum, essentially. It might be taken as disrespectful. And maybe not black either. I don't want to get into the politics of it. It's boring. White, blue, and champagne all look beautiful on you. I would venture to say pink and purple probably do too. Maybe I would pick one of those colours.

Thank you for the wonderful things you said about my poem. I'm not sure it was worthy of all that you said, but I think I really was ready to share it. I want you to know who I am.

I'll see you in three days. Seventy-two hours has never sounded so long.

With all that you are and all that I long to be,


P.S. Maybe we'll stick to reading Harry Potter in English then. I'm nearly done with the second one- It's gotten a bit dark quite quickly, hasn't it? Might have to go back in the freezer until I see you again.

P.P.S. I've included the phone number that goes directly to my room, unscreened. Feel free to use it whenever you want. I am in my room a lot these days; you wouldn't be disrupting me.

(+1010) 3200-011

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