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Dedication: for all relentless romantics, lovers of complication, and those who want to be both but are neither

Thank you to my wonderful editor Sophie (this book would not be possible nor grammatically coherent without you), all of my friends and to my family (even though I kind of regret handing over the link).

Trigger/Content Warnings: mature language, some drug/alcohol use, moderate detailing of eating disorders, mild homophobia, mild sexual implications/innuendo, brief mentions of self-harm

Book One of Four

Table of Contents:

1. La Gracía at Last

2. A Royal Encounter

3. Cordially Invited

4. Daydream

5. The Escape Plan

6. It Definitely Wasn't A Mistake

7. Sugar Veins

8. Some Sort of Friends

9. Killer Culture

Correspondence Office (January 20, 1999)

Camellia Letters Part 1 (January 21-February 17)

10. He's All Yours

11. Babylon

12. Violet's Birthday

Camellia Letters Part 2 (February 27-March 6)

Killer Culture: "The Return of Royal Affairs" (March 5, 1999)

Camellia Letters Part 3 (March 9-March 15)

13. Just Drinking About You

14. The Girl From The Party

15. Trespassers

16. Playing With Fire

17. Fireflies

Disclaimers: I did not have an editor for Chapters 1-11 and often times it is reflected in my work. I started writing this for fun but it has turned into something more than a hobby now. I apologize for the grammar and spelling errors early on- I promise it gets better down the road. I had taken a three-year break from writing prior to starting Foreign Affairs and my skills were rusty when I started this project. Hopefully I have improved a lot over the past year and a half since I started the first book! Looking forward to showing you all what Spring has in store.

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