chapter 35 Yolanda's haunted house purchase

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many years ago Yolanda purchased a house the that valued at 2.1 million dollars and it's still worth that amount now when the market price was down at a good cost to her what she didn't know about the housing market was always either really bad price or too high of a price for any real home buyer who was looking for a house that was affordable at this point in time so she continued to look for more homes that were in her price range at that time she knew what house she wanted so she started collecting more potential buyers to sell her home because she was thinking of moving to another place in town that was so close to her and have better prices which would suit her needs while she could afford to live somewhere else in the area so she still had many other people interested in her home so she couldn't resist selling her house to anyone else that wanted her house and eventually she sold her house to someone that was interested in buying her house and gave her all the money that would help with her mortgage that was going to pay for other house she wanted so to her surprise she eventually bought the house with a new kitchen and newer appliances that were upgrades to the house that she could afford and the rest of the money was a down payment on the first day when she moved in to the house.
to her surprise she found some really old photographs of the couple that lived there before she even moved in to the house that she purchased from a old friend that used to live there in the previous year before her.
as she continued to flip through pictures of the couple and their children it came clear to her that things weren't right with the house when she moved in because she would start to hear knocking on doors and opening cabinets mysteriously opening by themselves and hearing voices of people coming from the long hallway and would be afraid at times to even sleep in her own bedroom because she would see an apprehension of a little girl and boy in her bedroom they would often stare at her many times in the dark room that was in and it was uncomfortable for her to concentrate on living there because it was so much more difficult to see what was happening when she first bought the house it was not a good idea to buy a house that was apparently haunted by a couple and the children that lived there as well. so as time went on she still continues to live in the most vulnerable haunted house that had a lot of history but it eventually became a lot of things that became more aggressive then the previous ones that she had lived in before so she knew that she had to an extreme amount of cleansing of the house of the negative energy that spread throughout the house and she would have to go through each room and rehearse the whole words of cleansing in her own house because it became very hard to find any peace because it wasn't a very good entity that resisted within the house that she lived in and it wasn't even a human being spirit because she knew what this evil entity was it was a demon that forms of children or animals or people that seem harmless but in reality it was taken from before her because it would have been 6feet tall and had sharp teeth 🦷 and it wasn't very good spirit to mess with and she knew that it wanted her soul to control the demon that was in the house. she did everything in her power to protect herself from this evil demon that wanted to kill and destroy her life but she still wanted her house back but things weren't going to be easy with the evil entity living there and so she still continues to deal with it on a daily basis as she continues living in the haunted house of Salem.

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