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And so, it begins

━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━   ( KISMET ! )

ITADORI YŪJI felt a strange sensation — a sudden quiver of the soul was left unacknowledged for hunger and exhaustion overcame his system first and foremost. Therefore, in the dusk of a supposedly normal day in autumn, the young shaman rests his tired bones onto a ramen restaurant's booth as heavy eyes scanned through the plastic covered menu.

How long has it been exactly? Yūji taps his fingers onto the wooden table, eyes on the verge of collapse as he count the days of his ordeal. Three months, he answers himself. Three months have already passed since the day he consumed a cursed object, and became a vessel for a vile spirit - to which, lead to his debut into jujutsu society. If the boy were to be honest, Itadori Yūji has yet to come into terms with all that has transpired. Don't get him wrong, he deeply appreciates the people he was able to cross paths with. However, much like today — the responsibilities of a sorcerer seemed more and more tedious as the days go on, and harboring the undisputed King of Curses did not make anything easier.

Ryōmen Sukuna is a relic from Heian-kyo, a horrifying folklore, a story of old, and the culmination of every form of corruption that taints the human soul. The wise ones used to tell of his tale — a once talented shaman before the dawning realization that he too, can join the deities he once served. Ryōmen Sukuna is a name that incites fear. Unfortunately, in this modern day the once mighty curse is now shamefully detained within the body of 17 year old sorcerer.

Itadori Yūji has grown used to it, he supposed. A demonic being constantly whispering in his ear, tormenting every waking moment of his life. The curse is bored, Yūji noticed throughout their ventures together, and with that Ryōmen Sukuna's only form of entertainment is running his mouth despite the many instances of Yūji telling him how much his thoughts and opinions were very much unwanted nor will the 17 year old boy listen to them anyway. However, it was mid-autumn at that time, and Itadori Yūji sat alone when the undisputed King of Curses was unusually silent.

"Good evening! My name is Chiharu, and I will be your waitress for tonight." The young shaman can barely open his eyes from the exhaustion, but the waitress' voice resonates a familiarity. Yūji cannot exactly pinpoint where he has heard that soft voice before, so he raises a tired head to greet her. What lies before him is a girl about his own age, maybe even younger. Her long black hair was neatly put up in a ponytail as her bangs frame her round face. Chiharu's cheeks were flushed when their eyes inevitably meet as the small smile grew wider in greeting to her customer. Oddly, Yūji felt quite shaken at the sight of it all, and he cannot help but to be alarmed for this is the same sensation whenever Ryōmen Sukuna is attempting to overtake his soul.

"Excuse me. Are you okay?" Chiharu asked once more, making Yūji snap from his train of thoughts, and finally focus on the girl who is staring at him with worried eyes. She's beautiful, he thought to himself. Certainly not his type though. Her beauty is of a gentler kind - soft-spoken, kind eyes and the warmest smile. Chiharu fits her name all too well for the young shaman is reminded of the overwhelming warmth of spring days.

And surprisingly as he gaze at her, the chaos residing within him ever so slowly faded into the background. Warmth blooms from within his ribcage as a sensation of peace came over him — a feeling he thought was long forgotten.

"Uhm... Yes, I'm fine." Yuji stutters, looking over the plastic menu again to read his order. "Miso and a serving of gyōza."

"Coming right up!" The girl happily retorted before turning away from him and Yūji watches as the waitress makes her way back to the counter and as he does so, the sense of familiarity grew stronger. The boy tried his best to remember where he has seen that pretty face of hers because he is quite certain that he knows who she is as memories began to pour over his mind and yet none of them were vivid aside from her & her warm smile and affectionate gaze.

A taste of nostalgia and bitterness ran over him and his heart felt heavy. It was as if he was homesick. Yes, that's what it was — the sensation of being homesick for a home he never really knew. Itadori Yūji glanced over to the kitchen door where the waitress once stood. Her eyes caught his after sometime and a genuine smile came over her to which, made his heart skip the proverbial beat and it was then, he understood — these memories, these feelings were not his.

"Who is she?" The boy quietly asked the curse residing within him. Yūji wasn't expecting the demon to respond nor did he enjoy speaking with Sukuna in the first place, but it did pique his interest — the idea of an evil being such as Ryōmen Sukuna to have such genuine emotions.


And with that, Ryōmen Sukuna did not bother to utter another word for the rest of the night — or days even, that if felt like Itadori Yūji was living his normal life again without sharing his body and he can only thank the mysterious girl for bringing him peace once more.


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