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━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━   ( KISMET ! )

The first time Sasaki Chiyo met Hiragi Shigeru, her heart swelled with relief. This handsome young lord who delicately held her wrist as they leave the chaos within the dining area; he knew of the hardships in becoming the perfect heir of a dishonored house. Though, Shigeru seemed to be more masterful in escaping his Mother's wrath of mocking laughter, and snide commentary — a trait Chiyo grew envious of. We are alike. The thought ran through her mind as they enter the courtyard, his strong hand holding hers tightly as if afraid that his Mother will come after her once again. To become the perfect heir — it is an awful thing to relate to, yet the young lady thought it is fine if someone were to hold her hand as so.

"I sincerely offer my deepest apologies, Lady Sasaki." It was only then did Itadori Yūji found them — an image of courtship underneath the cloudless summer sky, stars illuminating above, and fireflies dancing below. A summer love. The boy would admit — the two seemed perfect for one another.

"There is no need." Chiyo answers with grace, despite the shameful hue of pink dusting her cheeks. "Lady Tomoe merely offered criticism. There is nothing to be offended of. It was my Mother who was shouting death threats on the table. I apologize, Lord Hiragi." With that, she bows her head.

She's too polite. Itadori Yūji thought and he is quite certain that Shigeru shares the same sentiments. The worried look on the young boy's face is telling enough, as well as for the way he shyly glanced away from her.

"Though it is a lie." Shigeru answered instead, a bright smile back on his lips as an attempt to cheer up the young girl and it worked. Sasaki Chiyo slowly lifted her head up to hear what he has to say, "I truly admire what you wrote. It was not because of customs or because my Father asked me to be pleasing, but in all sincerity, I do appreciate your writings."

The boy's flattery made Chiyo bloomed redder — her round face now resembling a tomato as the girl struggle to accept his gracious compliments. It is strange, she thought — how she has heard variants of the same praise again & again from strangers to nobles to family members, yet Shigeru's words struck different. It did not feel shallow to her. The boy gazes at her with an understanding.

"You- You are too kind, Lord Hiragi." was her only response. Though, Shigeru seemed to be quite amused by her and the way she hides her red round face and with that, an idea struck the young boy. As they slowly walked through the courtyard, he recited,

Wait for me, my love.
When it's spring, witness the rebirth of the mountains we knew
When it's summer, bask in the warmth of the sun and listen to the cicadas
In autumn, think of me in the misty mornings and the changing of leaves
In winter, rest your tired bones and keep yourself warm before the coming of spring
Wait for me, my love.
Seasons pass, times change and leaves wither
yet I will always find my way back to you.

The young master halted. Silence filled their summer night for a few moments. Only the faint music of the forest graced their ears, until Shigeru turned his body to her, a hopeful smile erupting, and declared, "Seasons. My favorite poem."

Chiyo smiles at him. Her heart, skipping the proverbial beat. "If you do not mind me asking. Who is it for?"

Suzu flashes in her mind. The waves, the seagulls, the heatwave, the sand underneath, the bright horizons, and the boy she would willingly surrender everything for. The poem is for the boy who desires war and glory. The boy who's loyalty is unwavering to her Father's house. It is for the boy who would never surrender. The boy who would never do the same for her.

"Nobody." A small smile crept to her lips. A lie, yet the thought of him was enough to ease her heart, and understand that the noble before her is not Sukuna.
"It only fascinated me — the idea of being destined to only one person in every lifetime you lived."

"Fate is cruel. Don't you think so?" Shiranui asks.
"How so?"
"She declares such words, yet Sukuna has only lived in this lifetime. He has not perished yet, have not been reincarnated. Therefore, despite the many lives she has lived — Chiyo, and all her reincarnations, never found him again."

A short chuckle escaped Shigeru's lips. She truly did charm him — rare it is that a maiden has truly caught his attention. His hand found its way to her chin, raising her head up to face him. "Then, whoever you are fated to is a very lucky man."

Sasaki Chiyo's eyes widened from his sudden gesture, though she did not pull away nor did she even protest.

"I doubt it, Lord Hiragi." Chiyo responded, "I am merely a girl from an exiled family. A girl who is still afraid of the darkness, who barely knows how a household works and is frightened by judging eyes."

And despite her, baring down what she thought were her bad qualities, Hiragi Shigeru did not seem as if he wanted to listen nor did he care. Sasaki Chiyo is beautiful with a talent for poetry and paintings — as shallow as it is, it was all that mattered. If they were to kiss at this very moment under the summer sky, then it is already secured — her Father will have no choice, but to promise her hand to him.

Hiragi Shigeru leaned onto her and when Sasaki Chiyo noticed, his free hand grabbed her waist in order to keep her still. Shigeru could have had her, if only a voice did not interrupt

❝ Oy, let go of Chiyo or I'll slice your hand off. ❞

happy weekend!
stay safe during the stormy weather <3
( simula talaga nauso yung raining in manila,
di na tumigil yung ulan whynamanganorn )

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