Family reunion

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The person that the Midoriyas was looking at was

The person that the Midoriyas was looking at was

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Izuku: what are you guys doing here?

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Izuku: what are you guys doing here?

AFO: well it's obvious we are here because of you son.

Inko: son are you sure sir?

AFO: of course because

As he took off his helmet which shocked her the most.

As he took off his helmet which shocked her the most

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Hisashi: we are the ones who made him.

As Inko started crying that not only her son came back but her husband as well as she went to him and hugs him as he hugs her back.

Momo: look at that Izu your parents are back together.

Izuku: I know

What they didn't know is that Assmigjt was watching  from the distance if a family reunion that he destroyed personally as he gritted his teeth.

Assmight:(what the hell how the hell a villain like him gets a family oh I know)

As he walks off as he left Hisashi has recorded what Assmight was about to do as he let him do that while he's back with his wife and son. Hisashi told the LOV that they are gonna turn over a new leaf due to Izuku being here and with his childhood lover luckily for them there's a festival happening the next day as they all decided to go which made Izuku look at Momo who's talking to Jirou and toga as he blushed to seeing how cute Momo was when she smiles.

Hisashi: go ask her out son.

Izuku: are you sure dad she probably like that boy with the red and white hair.

Hisashi: nonsense son remember if she doesn't love you she wouldn't say your nickname.

Izuku: how about at the festival

Hisashi: how about she be your date for the festival trust me there's no way she say no.

Izuku: ok I hope your right dad

Hisashi: I'm sure she will besides I asked your mouth to move my date for the festival when we were your age.

Izuku: really?

Hisashi: yep that's how we started our relationship together and also son.

Izuku: hm?

Hisashi: here your real quirk.

As Hisashi transferred AFO 2.0 to him as Izuku felt the power going inside of him(pause) as Izuku felt a little funny.

Hisashi: make sure you don't go threw what I went threw ok?

Izuku: ok I think I know where to get a quirk if I'm hungry for power.

Hisashi: where?

Izuku: there's dead people bodies near the morgue and their quirk is there still.

Hisashi: good call

Izuku: can you give mom the same quirk

Hisashi: don't tell her this but I already did.

Izuku: noice explains why she looks young again.

Hisashi: yep that's the way I like it.

Izuku: keep it in your pants I'm right here.

Hisashi: *laughs* shut up boy

For some odd reason Izuku power went haywire as he saw a little girl with white hair and a horn running form someone.

Izuku: dad

Hisashi: I know

As Izuku disappeared and saw the little girl who is running away from a guy until she ran into Izuku as she looks up at him who looked at her and looked back at the guy who was chasing her.

Izuku: may I help you- oh overhaul

Overhaul: oh Black Jack I see that you got my plague please give her back to me so I can continue making my bullets.

Izuku: how about no

As drills came from his back and struck Overhaul in his vital spots including his heart as Overhaul died instantly. Soon Izuku kneed down to the little girl as he sees that the girl name is Eri.

Izuku: hello Eri you don't have to worry about him anymore he won't be able to hurt you anymore ok.

Eri:ar-are you sure he won't come back?

Izuku: yes he will not come back ever again ok.

Eri: ok

As Izuku took Eri and brought her back as he saw that she is asleep and soon he took her to his room. As he tried to go take a shower Eri clinged on to him crying telling him not to go. Soon Momo came in as she heard a girl cry as she saw what was going on and Izuku told her to come over and he showed her the memories and soon he thought about erasing the memories she had before and place them with good mementoes including her being saved by Izuku.

Izuku: can you watch her for me as I take a shower?

Momo: yeah I don't mind at all what's her name?

Izuku: Eri

Momo: ok I'll create some clothes for her so she won't be in these rages.

As Izuku nods and left to go take a shower. Soon after he got done he came back to see both Eri and Momo fast asleep as he sees that Eri is in her pjs thanks to momo. Soon he slept in the floor so that the girls didn't feel uncomfortable so soon after he drifted off and had a good night sleep.

That's the end of this chapter

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