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It was a usual day for jisoo, so many patients on a daily basis,many lives lost or saved in front of her eyes,many new experiences

She set her back on the sofa in doctors lounge and closed her eyes wanting an eyeclose but got interrupted

Lisa: umm,there's one more patient

Jisoo lazily got up and nodded and went to check on the patient

On the other side:

In a dark alley,

Taehyung: Look at what a great bastard you are jun,couldn't come Meet me without your bodyguards or weapons,he hysterically chuckled

Jun :you are dead meat tonight Kim taehyung

Taehyung: we'll see about that,his hysterical smile disappeared while a dark aura roamed on his face

There was a big fight,taehyung managed to kill most of his guards but ended up getting shot at his shoulder,jun aimed his gun at taehyung with the intention of killing him however as soon as his finger touched the trigger,he heard the police siren
*It(siren) was actually jk*

Jun : shit! He cursed and quickly  fled saying : I will come back KIM TAEHYUNG!

Taehyung lay in the alley injured,his white shirt which he was wearing underneath his black coat was stained with blood,he was heavily breathing due to intense pain,he tried to get up but consequently failed
He couldn't really reach his phone too,the big fight with so many bodyguards had also weakened his strength,he closed his eyes but then heard a familiar voice


it was no one other than jungkook
He harshly grabbed taehyung and jerking him to see if he was alive,his eyes landed on his shoulder and his furious gaze became concerned

Taehyung opened his eyes and muttered... I'm fine kook

Jungkook immediately snapped:you think you are FINE?!look at all this blood,you should've atleast told me or atleast had a backup?!I know you aren't that frail enough to be this careless,tell me why you went there?

Taehyung slowly began to lose his conscious: " i-i "
Jungkook :don't speak and stay here,I'll go get some help , brace yourself,you have to stay ALIVE

Jungkook couldn't take him to hospital as it would become some legal issue and their identities could be at risk

On the other side,

Jisoo had just finished up dressing a wound,he was about to go back to put the dressing kit in its place when someone told her about a patient calling her
She reached near the bed,she found it strange that all of the curtains around the bed were closed,but she shrugged it off,as soon as she entered,A man aimed a gun at her and one of his hand had covered her face to shush her,her eyes widened

Jungkook:dont you dare scream or yell,or I'll kill you here and now
Jisoo nodded while slightly trembling
Jisoo:wh-what do you want?

Jungkook: you come with me outside,I want you to treat someone,he is injured on his shoulder...no more questions,take the equipment and come out this instant,he isn't fully conscious right now

Jisoo:y-you should've brang him here

Jungkook:shut up!you think I would come to you if I wanted to bring him here,stop with all of this and hurry outside or else I'll kill each and every person in this building!

With that jungkook put the gun inside his coat,and wore his black cap and headed outside leaving jisoo all appalled

She sneaked out after two minutes with a kit in her hand,jungkook agressively held her arm and pushed her in the car,the ride was silent,jisoo did ask him a few questions regarding the wound but he didn't care to reply,all he did was tell her that :you'll know when you see him

Soon after they reached the alley,jungkook pushed her outside the car ,his gun was still aimed at her,she walked into the dark path ,there were a few dead bodies lying there too,she was now sure the man who dragged her was a some sort of mafia or drug dealer who got into a fight,she kept walking until her eyes discovered a ,tall,handsome  man,laying all injured and unconscious
She had to admit that she was really attracted by that man's charm,but then the reality hit her,she drew a calm breath in

Jungkook:stop staring at him and treat his Wound!

Her hands were  trembling due to jungkooks threatening words and jerks as she was talking equipment out of the kit

She uttered:t-take his shirt off

Jungkook immediately did so

She inspected the wound and then sighed in relief

Jisoo:The bullet just hit his shoulder so he is safe

Jungkook just nodded but he looked relieved

She started to disinfect it,she dabbed the cotton onto his wound when taehyung let out a muffled cry,she noticed it but tried not to distract herself,she then started to do stiches,she already knew it was going to be painful for him,but she had no choice

As soon as the needle entered his skin he let out a huge cry from all the pain,he grasped onto jisoos arm due to all the pain ,his hold became more and more tighter the more jisoo did it,he had held onto her to feel somewhat at ease,jisoo also didn't jerk him away because she knew it was painful for him and most patients do so in such state

His vision was blurry so he couldn't see her face clearly,but he could tell that she was really very beautiful

She finished up stitching his wound,and packed up the kit,she stood up while taking his hand off of her arm
She kept her head lowered and was about to go ,but then jungkook grabbed her pinning her to the wall:where do you think you are going?

She gulped,she knew he wasn't going to let her go

To be continued.....

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