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Jisso went back to her apartment, and Taehyung also left after ensuring her safety.

The next day, Jungkook stood at the reception, asking for some details.

"Have you seen a nurse named Lisa here? She was supposed to treat me, but I can't seem to find her today," Jungkook inquired.

The receptionist replied, "I'm afraid she won't be able to attend to you. She has a family matter to attend to."

"I see, thank you," Jungkook acknowledged, turning around and questioning himself. Why was he so interested in her, given his personality? He could never have spared her life after all that. Why was he so intimidated?

Jungkook's POV: "Huh, I just have to find her and have my revenge. Jisoo must know where she is."

Jungkook followed Jisoo around without her knowing. Jisoo finally halted her rounds in the ward as she received a call. Her face turned pale all of a sudden.

Jisoo spoke into the phone, her voice concerned, "Lisa, don't cry, okay? I'm coming... calm down... take a deep breath."

Jungkook overheard her words and thought, "She's crying?"

At the funeral hall, Jisoo immediately rushed in and hugged Lisa, offering comfort in every way possible. Lisa had lost her only brother, her only remaining family.

Jungkook peeked through a side entrance.

Lisa sobbed, "It's all my fault! I was late!... If I had been more attentive, he wouldn't have attempted suicide!"

Jisoo, knowing the sting of loss, held Lisa close, understanding her grief. "It's never our fault!" she encouraged, allowing Lisa to release her emotions.

Jungkook, moved by the scene, felt a pang in his heart. He unconsciously started to go towards the room, but Taehyung pulled him back.

Taehyung whispered in a low, calming voice, "It's not the time, Kook. Let's go."

Back at the mansion, Taehyung asked, "What were you doing there?"

Jungkook scoffed, "That fool was crying so hard over someone who didn't even deserve her love! I can't believe her brother is one of the Ewolves!"

Taehyung frowned. "Still, he was her brother. How can you decide her sympathy for someone?"

Jungkook bristled. "It's irritating to think how innocent people can be so foolish. They cry over people who are their source of torment. How pathetic."

Taehyung sighed. "We were like that too... don't you remember?"

Jungkook fell silent, the memory of their past a stark contrast to their present selves.

Taehyung continued, "And you, you're starting to develop feelings for that nurse, aren't you?"

Jungkook stammered, "It's just a tad bit of sympathy left in my heart."

Taehyung smiled knowingly. "I think I just saw the person who never hesitates to give a second chance to someone cry upon seeing the sight of a stranger's grief."

Jungkook looked away, refusing to acknowledge the truth in Taehyung's words. "I didn't cry."

jungkook; "Enough of that. And you... stop worrying about that doctor!"

Taehyung;"She has become something of my liking... and I won't hesitate to make her mine."

jungkook raised an eyebrow. "We'll see about that."

The tension between them hung heavy in the air, hinting at a deeper conflict brewing beneath the surface.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24 ⏰

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