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........after all the embarrassment Lisa had to face..........

She picked up the quilt of that bed just to see a short note

" Boo!...Will come back soon bbg:)"


Lisa:unnie,did you not see him escape,you were there at that time!

Jisoo:I was busy with some -

Lisa:that reminds me!there's a video of you and another man fighting in the ward,it's posted on doctors forum


Lisa shows her the video

Jisoo:Ah-,this... It will quiet down after sometime

Lisa: well ..aren't you gonna tell me who that is

Jisoo:it's complicated,he-

Nurse:doctor,a patient needs you 

Jisoo: I'll tell you later .. gotta go

Jisoo pov:phew that was close

Lisa:oh ok..?

........at taehyungs place...........

Jk:I bet how her face would've looked after she found out I escaped..that foz must be so embarrassment haha

Taehyung:don't forget what she did to you dawg


Taehyung and Jungkook both were sitting on their respective places traumatized

Jk:hyung....girls are scary

Tae:no,they are difficult

Jungkook recalled the scene when Lisa called him a pervert ,and today too

A wide smirk appeared on his face,but he immediately shook of his thoughts


Taehyung was lost in what she said today

*"I just have a hunch that you aren't someone evil*

Jk:hyung..I forgot to tell you...that jisoo doctor...

Tae:what about her

Jk:her boyfriend....his name is Jin young

Tae:that seems familiar

Jk:he is involved with EWolves,I saw him at a bar with those thugs

(EWolves are taehyung's Biggest enemy and a big substance chain)

Jk:I heard he got into some huge debt recently... maybe that's how he got involved with em

Tae:that means she isn't safe

Jk:why are you worried about her..I think you could use her to gather info about Those thugs through her boyfriend...

Taehyung slammed his phone on the table upon hearing this

Jk:What now?!

Tae:don't talk to me,and don't even think about touching her

Jk: I'm warning you again...don't fall in love..people like us...they never get love

We are like abandoned dogs..who have to struggle for survival

Tae: ...


On the other side

The dinner was over..they both came out in a dark street

Jinyoung:I'm sorry babe,I couldn't pay for the meal today

Jisoo:it's okay don't worry about that..but..what are you up to these days

JY: nothing much.. struggling to find some jon..he nervously chuckled

Jisoo:you're lying..I can tell

JY:there's nothing to worry about

Jisoo all of a sudden,grabbed his arm and pulled his sleeves back

A big red bruise was apparent

Jisoo:did you get in a fight?!what is this?!


Jisoo:if you don't want to tell me..let's break up then


Jisoo:This is the THIRD time JY!what are you Hiding?!

JY:I -, I got into a debt so i-

I couldn't help but adopt an illegal way-


Jisoo : What..I said what way?!?!

JY:  d*gs

Jisoo's face turned pale in an instant

She blankly stared at him for a while shocked


Jisoo:I'm not your Babe anymore?!understood?!


He tried to get a hold of her hand but she jerked him awa

He harshly grabbed her by her arm and faced her towards him as she was leaving 

JY-why is it my FAULT?!what wrong did I do?!I had to earn money some way or the other!otherwise your friends would've started to call me a free loaded


JY:you are a doctor,you earn well..you've ahd a great life I'm sure!but I'm nothing compared to you,I've had it hard since I was born...you know what..it's all your FAULT..I never should've dated you in a first place! people just won't stop comparing me to YOU

Jisoo:leave me..I said LET ME GO

JY:I won't,let's see what you'll do..there's no one to help you here anyw-

A man in a mask appeared out of nowwhere and pushed him hard..he fell on the ground letting out a shrill gasp


Jisoo:turned around and immediately recognized those eyes


Jisoo:where did you come from?!she said...a tear escaped her eye 

Taehyung kept staring at her wet eyes..his hand approached her cheek unintentionally..wiping off her tears he pushed a few strands of her hair away

He calmly said: I don't like you crying

Jisoo:how dare you-,why are you- she gulped down her tears

JY: you've already got a lover?!I didn't expect you to go this low Jiso-

Jisoo immediately slapped him

Jisoo:she came near JY staring into his soul

Jisoo:I'm disappointed

She picked up her bag and turned around to leave before looking at taehyung for a few seconds

To be continued....

So my lovelies

Upon your request I made it a bit long this time,enjoy<3

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