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Taehyung :what is it?

Jungkook: leave it..its not worth our time...jungkook sighed

Taehyung just hummed

Jungkook:is there something else you want me to do
Taehyung hesitatingly spoke up: c-can U bring jisoo here.?

Jungkook: of course I can...Im glad you are using your brain now,it's impossible to keep an eye on her my entire life..it's better you end this...kill her when she comes here

Taehyung: I told you,I don't kill innocent people

Jungkook: you know the rule Taehyung,naive people don't survive in this harsh world..your greatest weakness is your soft heart...don't let it get in the way of our work

Taehyung: I am not naive for sure..but it's my order,bring her here

Jungkook: aishh..fine if that's what you want,but if you don't kill her..I will have no choice but to do it myself

Time skip

Jisoo was at the hospital reception,she took a file and was headed to the doctor's office when she was pulled to the side by jungkook

Her eyes immediately widened seeing him,he signalled her to keep her mouth shut and follow him

She did as she was told

They stopped in an empty corridor and jungkook spoke up

"You are coming with me"
Jisoo : No I'm not!why should I?stop bothering me..please,..let go

She tried to let her hands go but he wasn't going to,she was trying to free herself from him...that's when

Lisa came

She came near the two and slapped the man as hard as she could : You BASTARD!how dare you harass my friend

Both of their eyes widened seeing Lisa...

Jisoo pov:shit,this isn't going to end good,not for me and neither of Lisa,Lisa literally has no idea whom she dared to slap

Meanwhile jungkook looked at her astonished

Lisa:look at this PERVERT still staring at me;
Lisa took the empty tray she had before,she was about to hit him with it..that's when jisoo butted in

Jisoo: Lisa ya let's go,it's nothing serious,come with me

Lisa:  b-but he....let's call the guards

But jisoo just dragged her away forcefully

Jungkook saw both of their silhouette disappear slowly ..
He looked into the glass door and saw his reflection,he saw the red slap mark on his face,he felt embarrassed,did a mafia just get slapped by an ordinary girl?
He wore his mask and disappeared withing Minutes

At taehyungs place:

Taehyung burst out laughing when he heard what happened

Meanwhile jungkook stood there still thinking about that moment

Taehyung: i am surprised that someone like you got slapped,anyways I just wanted to thank  her (jisoo),I think I will have to go myself

Jungkook slammed the table;I WILL bring that girl and I WILL deal with that other nurse too,who does she think she is to slap me

Taehyung:kook,calm down,don't do anything serious

Jungkook: You just wait...and watch

To be continued

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