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She spoke up :wh-what do you mean?eventhough she knew there is zero percent chance that she can go out of this alive

Jungkook pushed her to the ground and aimed the gun at her
"I'll make this quick"

Jisoos pov:is this the end?why did this happen?I couldn't even live my life how I wanted and now I die this way?she wanted to laugh at her own fate

Jungkook  put his finger on the trigger: sorry but since you've known about us ,we can't let u live to tell the tale,let's get this over with

Jisoo closed her eyes which were full of tears,He was about to pull the trigger when they got interrupted by a deep voice

"Stop kook,don't kill her",taehyung said in a low voice,

Jungkook: "you know we can't let her go,she has seen us"

Taehyung:"leave her,she won't tell anyone I'm sure,just let her go"

Jungkook knew how stubborn tae was but he couldn't disobey his order

He harshly grabbed jisoo pulling her up from the ground
"If you ever dare to speak about what happened here,I won't hesitate to kill you anytime,understood?!"

Jisoo nodded while trembling,she was thankful for the man laying on the side for sparing her life,

She turned to the side,she wanted to say something to him but he spoke up first

Taehyung spoke up: Go...run...

Jisoo was left perplexed,she couldn't really comprehend why he helped her,but there was no time to think about it,she immediately started to walk away while jungkook just furiously glared at her from behind

Taehyung saw her silhouette slowly disappear in the darkness

When she was completely gone Jungkook spoke up

"Seriously?!Are you mad?!why would you help her?she could tell anyone about us!"

Taehyung : "you know we don't kill innocent people kook"

Jungkook: "bu-but how can you trust her so easily "

Taehyung:I don't know, i-i just want to...if you are that worried about her,keep an eye on her for me

Jungkook: I was going to do that even if you didnt ask me to

Taehyung just chuckled at jungkooks petty behavior

Then they both headed to their mansion

During the car ride

Taehyungs pov: why can't I stop thinking about her...I wish I had seen her face more clearly

All he could remember was the name tag he saw on her coat when he grasped onto her arm

He looked out of the window and an unknown smile formed on his lips , he couldn't help but recall her name

Jungkook looked at taehyung who had a smirk on his face from the backview mirror

Jungkook:.you know you are really weird .... Hyung

Meanwhile taehyung simply just closed his eyes resting his back on the car seat

On the other side

Lisa : jisoonnie! why do you look so pale,what happened?!and where were you?!

To be continued....

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