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Taehyung: ....

Jisoo:you didn't kill me that day even though you could and I ,i- just have a hunch that you are not someone evil

Taehyung was surprised,he cleared his throat while smirking

Taehyung: you know...you can't be so naive,this. World isn't a nice place,who knows what I can do to you right here and now


Taehyung pulled her closer to him by her waist fully immersed in her eyes

He brand his face closer to her still staring at her

Jisoo grabbed him by his hair and jerked him away

Taehyung was appalled,why was she not scared of him he thought

Jisoo: what the hell is your problem?!listen mister,I don't have time for all this bullshit, I have patients to attend ,this is a busy hospital...I suggest you to go play with your guns and not disturb me,I have a job to do


Jisoo:Oh , And one more thing,this trick might work on others..but it takes a nerve to impress me

AND...I have a BOYFRIEND too

With that she left slamming the door at his face

Taehyung POV: this girl..did she just insult me-..i-..how?!

After awhile taehyung came out looking for Jungkook but suddenly bumped into a police officer

Policeman:be careful sir,why the rush?!

Taehyung: Ah nothing..I had a fight with my gf,I'm just out.of it

Policeman:haha,young people these days

He patted taehyungs back while laughing and went towards the ward where Jungkook was in

.because. Of Lisa's report

Taehyung POV:oh shit..no!not there,Jungkooks gonna get caught

As soon as he entered the ward,Taehyung dashed in and quickly grabbed jisoos arm and caused a scene

Taehyung:Babe please forgive me,I didn't mean to do all that,I love you so so much

Jisoo:what are you-

Taehyung went on his knees and started to beg her


Taehyung pulled her near him and leaned towards her ear

Taehyung:help me,Jungkooks in this ward

Jisoo looked at him frustrated

Taehyung :babe don't do that please

Amongst all this Jungkook woke up

Jungkook peeked through the curtains and slowly esacoed the ward when taehyung was distracting everyone

Taehyung looked at Jungkook  moving towards the door

Their eyes met and Jungkook tilted his head as a signal to move

Taehyung looked at jisoo once again

Jisoo:You!leave at once,We will talk later,why did you come all the way her you cheater !you are disturbing the patients,get out at ONCE

Taehyung nodded a little as a gesture of thanks and went outside

The entire room was full of chatter and gossips

Nurse1: jisoo unnie,I thought your boyfriend was someone else,is he him?

Jisoo:ah,he-,he is just my ex,don't worry,he has gone mad


Lisa came in as soon as she heard about cops arriving

Lisa brang the cop towards bed 3

Lisa:here you have the PERVERT

She removed the curtains just to find an empty bed

Lisa:What the actual fu-

To be continued...

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