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Taehyung:You are getting worked up...thats surprising

Jk:oh yeah..she'll pay for this..he smirked and you hyung...you have to help me

Tae:how so?

Jk:keep that jisoo doctor, whatever's her name, away from that nurse in the meantime..just keep her distracted,if u don't want to do it I'll send -

Tae;I'll do it!

Jk POV;being so interested in someone huh?you can't forget our goal 

The next day;

Lisa had just finished injecting a patient with a tranquilizer 

She was walking around the ward making sure each patient was getting treated

Jisoo:Lisa go check the new patient of bed 3,I have been called to emergency room..if the injuries are severe inform me  asap

Lisa:got it

She went near bed 3 when a muscular body pulled her in once again

He had kept his bare hands on her petite mouth harshly in order to shush her

Jk: Now I'll show you who's the real pervert here


Jk looked at her reflection from the tray she had held

Lisa immediately recognized who he was..as she wandered her eyes around thinking of how to escape ..she saw a gun in his side pocket

Lisa POV:(is he some thug or what?! anyways I have to disarm him..he might harm other patients and cause a chaos...)

Jk slowly started to release his grip on her mouth

That's when*

Lisa immediately injected the tranquilizer into his leg

He looked at her with wide eyes before fainting

Lisa POV:poor lil pervert..now the police will handle you


Jisoo came running towards the emergency room but there was no staff inside except for a familiar looking man

Taehyung:you came running,were you so eager to meet me

Jisoo:you again..what's your deal?

Taehyung pov:such a brave pup.

Tae:you are a doctor,do you always treat your patients like this?

Jisoo:well most of my patient are decent common people unlike you

Taehyung scoffed

Jisoo:you better get going if you don't wanna get caught

Taehyung:And why do you care?,why are you still keeping your mouth shut?

Jisoo:just because-

To be continue 

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