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Jisoo came inside the hospital,she looked shocked as well as pale, eventhough she was a brave person the thought that she would've been dead by now if that man(tae) didn't stop him(kook) terrified her,she was lost in her senses when Lisa came

Jisoo: "m-me?I'm good,t-theres nothing wrong"she possibly stuttered at each word she said

Then Lisa suddenly hugged her,
"I know unnie,you tried your best to save that patient,
sometimes we just can't save everyone even If we want to,it's just not in our hands,so dont stress yourself on the life that is lost ,okay??!,cheerup

Jisoos pov;what did I do to have an angel like her as my bestie?!

on a side note,jisoo was kinda happy that she didn't had to explain anything to Lisa,the situation seemed to have sorted out on it's own.

Jisoo hugged her back: thanks lisaya,I'm glad to have you

••••••••• Time skip

Jungkook: I'm telling you KIM TAEHYUNG,if you dare to step out of this house without me or a backup,I won't come to save you again

Taehyung grunts: yah!I'm older than you have some respect

Jungkook smacks on his shoulder
:No can do

Taehyung:this brat-

Jungkook:Soo?why did you go there,don't tell me it's about THAT again

Meanwhile taehyung just exhaled sadly and jungkook looked at him  in the same sad manner

On the other side at night:

"Bye Lisa!I'll head to the apartment", jisoo yelled from a distance as she was about to leave and Lisa was on night duty

Jisoo came outside and saw jinyoung waiting for her..but he-he was limping

Jinyoung-ah is something wrong with your leg,you are limping

Jinyoung:i-its nothing,I tripped over from that staircase yesterday,don't worry I showed it to a doctor,he said it was nothing much

Jisoo:your girlfriend is a doctor and you still go to someone else,wow,I'm really mad at you

Jinyoung: do you know how cute you are

Jisoo:ofc,anyways I'm really happy you came to pick me up

Jinyoung:jisoo I have something to tell- *phone rings

*after the call.

"S-sorry  jisoo...i-i gotta go" jinyoung said looking pale as hell

Jisoo: b-but

However he had disappeared already before she could finish her sentence

Jisoos pov:isn't he really weird nowadays?


Eversince that night,she had been on Taehyungs mind,he could remember her treating him,letting him hold on to her,she seemed like a really interesting person,he wanted to focus on his grand plan,but now,she came in the way making him lose focus,maybe he,he was INTIMIDATED by her

The next day:

"Here's all the info about that doctor,I still can't believe you made me look up that doctor,Taehyung"Jungkook said while throwing an envelope at taehyung

He immediately took the papers out with a mysterious smile on his face

"Don't get too excited,I couldn't find anything much about her,except that she is doctor and had a struggling life all along"jk replied

I see... Taehyung replied.

Jungkook:look at you getting all interested?don't tell me you like her

However I do have a bad news..

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