Couple-Like Love

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It,s been a long time already…. that I felt this good. It feels strange, like I have no problems at all, even it’s like I don’t have to think about anything at all. Just living my life is fine.

“………? Is that..?”, I am in the mall, and I just happened to pass by a kids’ playhouse. Then even from a far, I heard a child’s crying voice. It’s very loud and as I come closer, I saw a little girl about I guess 5 years old?

I walked towards her to help ‘cause she might be lost or something since she’s all alone.

“Hi there!”, me.

“Hello”, a guy suddenly appeared and he was also about to approach the kid. What a kind guy. Only a few guy helps kids. Guys think something like “I’m too cool to be with a kid” or “people will think that I am a father” or other nonsense. Good thing there are still guys this kind nowadays.

“Oh! I’m sorry *bows* I was just about to help the child cause I thought she’s lost. Is she yours?.... WAIT!! Noona?”, how did he know me?

I wasn’t looking at the guy but the kid. So iwas surprised, I mean why does he know me? And so I looked at him and saw that it was………

“ZELO?!”, it was Zelo!! The KIND guy is actually Zelo?

“Oh! Yeah! I was about to go home.. then… I saw this girl… and…yeah. HEY! Why are you so surprised, noona?! Do you think I’m cold enough to leave a little girl crying??”, he seemed surprised that I WAS SURPRISED?! well yeah!!

“No! Not really!! *whispers* But I think so.. after knowing who you truly are *whispers*”

We completely forgot about the chil and for some reason the child cried louder. Is that intentionally?

“No, no!! Don’t cry.. Are you alone?”, Zelo ask the child. Is this guy in front of me really Zelo?

The girl nodded, but still crying.

“Where’s your mom?”, Zelo is so modest.

“I-I… d-don’t know!! Waaaaaahhh!! I go-got separated…… b-because a while ago.. there *sniff* *sniff* so so so…. Many *sniff* people! WAaaaaaaahh!!!”, the girl was lost. Now what will we do? I don’t know a thing about situations like this.

Zelo asked again. “Do you know where your house is?” He’s like an expert with this kind of stuffs.

“N-no!! *sniff*”

“Let’s bring you to the guards.”

We reported the girl to the officers and even made an announcement for the girl’s mother…. But no one came. But it’s not like I can bring a child with me at home, someone I am not related too, or even Zelo, so we still searched everywhere around the mall. We searched thoroughly and the sun even set on us, but still nothing. We tried searching outside the mall, anywhere near it but it’s now getting really late.

“Ya! What are we going to do? It’s getting dark” we can’t just leave her right?

“Bring her with us”, Zelo said calmly.

“WHAT?!”, now that’s surprising!

“What, noona. Got any other thought?”

“Um…. Yeah!!”

Love Days ♥♥ (B.A.P Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now