Chapter 6

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A/N: I just got 500 reads (actually I think I got around 540), so here's an update like I promised. I hope you like it and I can't tell you how happy I am to have that many reads. Without further ado (I think I spelled that wrong), here's the chapter.

*****Addie's POV*****

After Rora went to bed, I go to the owlry to send a letter to the Weasleys and Uncle Lupin.

I address the letter to The Weasleys and Uncle Remus (don't open unless EVERYBODY is there.)

Dear Weasleys and Uncle Remus,
I miss you all so much and I just wanted to tell you that I'm a Royal and can go into any house. Thi year I'm in Gryffindor, but next year I'm in Hufflepuff, then Ravenclaw, then Slytherin. We were having our first flying lesson Harry and I had to go save this guy named Neville's rememberall and Professor McGonagall saw us and she wants to make me and Harry on the Quidditch team. I got offered the spot of Chaser and Harry got Seeker.
I'm also telling you this because professor McGonagall wants you, Uncle Remus, to buy me a Nimbus 2000. You don't have to, I'll find the money to if you don't want to, it's just that's what Professor McGonagall wants.
I love and miss you all,

I tie it to a large barn owl's foot and send it off. Then when I run down the steps to go back to the castle, I bump into someone.

I look up to see who it is and I blush. It's Harry. I think I might be falling for him, literally and emotionally. He blushes and must realize that because he looks down. Can he fancy me too? I quickly push that thought out of my mind and think, Of course he doesn't. He's Harry Potter. He can get whatever girl he wants. He wouldn't want me. "Umm . . . sorry Harry. I didn't mean to run into you," I say.

"It's okay Addie. What were you doing?"

"Umm . . . I was sending a letter to the Wessleys and Uncle Rumus to tell them that I made the Quidditch team," I say while blushing.

"Oh ok."

"What were you doing?" I ask.

"Oh...umm...I was just coming here to visit my owl, Hedwig."

"Okay. I'm just going to go back to the castle now," I say slowly. I run off without waiting for a response from him. He blushed when I ran into him. Does that mean that he fancies me? Of course it doesn't. Oh great, now I'm arguing with myself inside of my head. But why else would he blush? Because he was weirded out with running into you. But that still doesn't explain why he looked down after he realized he blushed. Oh well. I'll figure it out later.

I don't even realize that I'm at the castle until I bump into the front door. "Ow," I say after I realize that I ran into the big oak doors.

"Ahh. Are you okay, Adalyn?" Dumbledore asks in his soft, quiet voice. Wait, Dumbledore. I whip my head around and see Professor standing there looking at me. I could recognize him from a mile away with that long white beard.

"P-P-Professor Dumbledore, s-sir," I stutter. I've was addressed by the headmaster just yesterday and I didn't stutter, but now I am. I'm weird.

"I assume you want to know who your father is, don't you Addie?" He scares me. How does he know that I want to know who and meet and talk to and write to my father. He's scary.

"Umm...ya...kinda actually," I say tucking some loose strands of hair behind my ear.

"Follow me please." He leads me up staircases and through hallways until we get to a gargoyle. "Sherbet Lemon," he says plainly. "Sherbert Lemon," he says. Yesterday the password was Lemon Drops, and now it's Sherbert Lemon. Oh well. The gargoyle steps aside and we walk into a room his office. "Sit down please." I do as I'm told and he starts talking again. "You want to know who your father is, where your father is, why your father isn't with you, and why Remus is taking care of you and why he isn't. Am I right?" I nod. "Well, your father is a good man, a very good man. If he is said to have done certain crimes, then don't believe them. Your father is a great man. Moving on. The whereabouts of your father: He is in a place dreaded by man and if he wishes to tell you, then he may, but I have not been told that I can tell you myself, so I shan't. Your father isn't with you because he can't and Remus is with you because he is your godfather." I have a million questions zooming through my head right now, but I don't who can answer them, besides my dad, because Professor Dumbledore said that he can't.

"Am I aloud to write to him?" I ask quietly.

"I don't see who not. I mean it should be okay. I will deliver them myself and I won't read them because I have no need to. I shall bring your letter to him, and when her responds, I shall give the letter to you. Sound good?" I nod. "Okay. You can go to your dormitory now, I assume you have a letter to write, don't you?" I nod again.

"Thank you sir. Thank you so much."

He chuckles lightly. "Thats no problem dear."

I run out the door and to the gargoyle and out to the Gryffindor common room. "Fortuna Major," I tell the Fat Lady. She lets me in without another word and I rush to my book bag to get some parchment, a quill, and some ink. Then I bound back down to the common room and start writing.

Dear Father,

Hi! I'm your daughter Adalyn, but I prefer to go by Addie. I want to meet you super badly, but I don't think that I can, so Professor Dumbledore is letting me write a letter to you, and we can communicate this way. I don't really want to invade your privacy, but I have some questions to ask you:

1. What is your name?
2. Where are you?
3. Why haven't you lived with me for the past 10 years?

Love, Addie

I run it back to Professor Dumbledore's office, tell the gargoyle the password and run to give the letter to Dumbledore.

"Finished already?"

"I just really want to know my father, that's all."

"Well I better be off then. Goodnight Addie."


So far I've been to three different houses: Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, and Ravenclaw and everyone in the school knows I'm a royal. Today I had to go to Slytherin. Ugh. I met some really nice people in those three houses, that I hope that the people in Slytherin will be nice too, but knowing their reputation, they won't be. In Gryffindor I obviously have Harry, who I have a tiny crush on, Hermione, who's super nice and helps me get my homework done, Aurora, who is super nice and my cousin, and of course all the Weasleys, who are basically my family. In Hufflepuff, I met a girl named Hannah Abbot, who's sooo nice and optimistic, Cedric Diggory, who is a few years older than me but is so nice, loyal, and sees the good in everyone. In Ravenclaw there's Luna Lovegood (A/N: I know that Luna is a year younger, but for the sake of this story, she's going to be the same age as the group) who is a bit crazy, but deadly smart and kind, while almost everyone else is really snotty, and girl named Makenna Dykstra (A/N: I made her up 😂😂 LOVE YOU lostgrangers you're always there for me when I need you most 😘😘) who is the nicest person ever and super duper smart. Since I'm "the princess", everyone wants to know my powers, but I honestly don't know what I can do. Everyone also wants to be my friend because I'm a "special person." Ugh. I hate the attention.

That day, Dumbledore called me to his office and gave me a letter. I ran to the Gryffindor Common Room and tore it open. Then I read what it said.

Hi Addie,


A/N: I got 500 reads, so here's your chapter. I'll update again when I get 700 reads, since I'm at about 550.

I hope you'll stick by my side and continue reading when I update again.

Do you like the new cover, I changed all of them so that they will be the same person each time, tell me if you like it, or if you don't like it.

I love each and every one of you and I hope you like this story. Until next time,


Adalyn Black - A Harry Potter Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now