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It's been a while has it not.

Dom is sitting in the car ready to take off. Cipher see's him on cameras. "Dom do you really wanna put that car in gear?" Rhodes cocks his gun and points it towards Dom's head. Dom puts the car back in gear. "Yeah, I didn't think so." Cipher says as shes getting intel that the team is heading for the sea lock and trying to trap the sub in the bay.

Cipher commands Rhodes" Take his team out." I'm on it Rhodes says getting out the car. The team is getting chased by ciphers men on snowmobile tanks. Tej speaks into the comms" Roman get in front of me." Roman quickly speeds in front of Tej as he fires rounds into the enemies tanks causing some to lose traction and crash. "Yeah Baby! hahaha."

The joy is short lived as Roman comes on the comms. " Guys we got snowmobiles on the right!" Letty looks to her right along with Ramsey. "They're going to flank us!" They continue faster chaning gears. Hobbs comes through with his truck hitting on of the snowmobiles." No they ain't."  Roman is in front noticing a tank behind him. "Oh shit!" He quickly changes gears to speed up as ther tank is locking onto him it misses hitting the ice diagonal of him causing his car to hydroplane.

"Tej!" Roman yells into the commms. "Roman hold tight i'm on the way."Roman is trying to get traction by moving his wheel franticly. "I don't want to go swimming. No!" Tej quickly adjust his harpoon towards Roman's car door firing it so he will be able to pull him close. " Really Tej!?" Roman yells as his car is going further into the icy waters. " Oh no no no no no!" Romans car goes into a water bank his car his car starts to rapidly fill with water. " Oh shit!" Roman yells. " Roman grab your door!" Roman is franticly moving yelling. "Tej!" Grab the door Roman!"

Hobbs,Letty, and Ramsey are all watching and trying to keep up the speed. Roman continues to yell." It's so cold shit!" Tej steps on the gas pulling roman holding the door out of water. Letty cheers" Yeah!"  Roman is holding unto the door as its sliding on the ice while snowmobiles are still behind him firing rounds. "What is going on?!" Roman yells still yelling. "Get me off of this shit! Come on!"

A tank is locking in on roman and Tej firing a missle knocking Roman off the harpoon cable causing Roman to slide off with the door. The snowmobiles are still moving rapidly and firing their guns.  Roman moves to stand up getting ready to hit the operator of the snowmobile with his door. " Alright i've had enough of this shit!" knocking him of the snowmobile he continues to fire rounds off at the other killing them. "Number 11 my ass." Hobbs pulls up beside him. " Yo shrinkage we got a sub to catch get in. "Three unidentified flyers fly in on the plane. The pilot rapidly beeps into to Cipher.

"What?" she says to the pilot. " Depressurization alert in the cargo hold." She tells him" Drop it to 10,000 feet." Rhodes is still with Dom holding him at gun point. " I know how much these people mean to you. So I will let you pick the first target." Dom looks over at him. "I don't  pick a target from a mile away. I stand face to face and look them dead in the eye."

Rhodes chuckles. "Okay, the wife it is." He sets up his gun as Dom looks down towards the phone waiting for connection.

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