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All the while the team is trying to put pieces together Dom has even more on his plate.

All the while the team is trying to put pieces together Dom has even more on his plate

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Dom spoke firmly towards Cipher. "Back there was that for her, for me, or you? Or was it either necessary?" Cipher stands up from her chair to look at him responding. " Necessary? Nothing is necessary. Everything is a choice. I simply made one but so did you. You could have stopped me, but you chose not to do." She chuckled at him while saying. "I wonder what Letty thought about that. The problem of putting your foot on a Tiger's neck... is you can never let it up. I think I need to remind you why you chose to be here." Cipher brings light to a spot on the plane. It was Elena trapped in a prism. "Dom. I'm Sorry. You shouldn't have come." Elena spoke with urgency. Dom shakes his head. "Nothing's gonna get me away." 

Elena is relieved considering the circumstances

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Elena is relieved considering the circumstances. " Now she has the three of us. You wanna see him?" Elena walks over to pick up the baby. " See papa. Papa. When I realized I was pregnant. You had just find out Letty was alive. So I decided when Letty and you go back from your honeymoon. I was going to tell you. And then she took us before I had the chance." She glanced down at the baby while speaking to Dom. "I call him Michael. That his middle name. I thought his father should give him first name. I'm sorry, Dom."

 Elena said with discomfort on her face. " There is nothing to be sorry for." Dom says looking longingly at his son. " Whatever happens... Just save our son. Your son." Cipher interrupts their bittersweet moment."Good visit?" She sent the guards away. "I know. I know what you're thinking. I just let the guards go, so there is only two opponents in the room." She looks at Dom softly. " 

Rhodes has the gun, so you'll take him out first, I know you. And then you're thinking. Elena is a cop, maybe the two of you can fight your way out of here. So much to think about." Cipher readjusts herself. " Let me make it easier for you. Do with it as you wish. Have you heard of choice theory Dom? There's a bunch of choices but only two you really need to concern yourself with, One. The only person's behavior we can control is our own. And two, the only thing we can truly give another person is information, so let me give you some." She wants to give Dom some insight. " You see this cameras in here? The moment you make a move, highly paid men with weapons, will make there way into this room. With one very... specific instruction. It's not to save me. It's to kill your son." She looks at him challenging his next move. 

" And that's a lot of bullets. And it only takes one for you to loose everything." She walks up to Dom. "So, I have to ask you, because... I know family is so important to you. Is that really a choice you wanna make? Because I'm ready as you are." Dom tightens his fists up choosing his words carefully. "I pull this trigger, and God knows I wanna.. I'll kill everyone on this plane... I still couldn't get in there. Cause you here manipulate this system. Since I'm alone! I got no choice!" He forcibly yells out.Cipher give him a disapproving look. "I don't think so." Dom straightens up. "You want to see the old Dom? Watch." He walks off to the further end of the plane.

Meanwhile back with the crew...

Ramsey is frustrated . "Damn it.. She wiped it off. Took God's eye. That was the one thing we could use to find him. We lost everything." Deckard looks at her . "Yeah, princess? I would have thought Cipher left something behind." He says sarcastically. "I've got couple of minutes to spare. If you want me to send you to the hospital again." Hobbs walks up too him. Mateo gets between both pushing them away from each other." Okay that's enough. I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say shut the hell up! Quit fighting like you're both damn five years old ! We have to much shit going on as is . Now sit down or get put down." She looks at both of them daring one of them to say something. Neither do they stand corrected. Rome speak up. " Yo Rules!" Boy band cuts him off . "- First off, - That's not my name." Rome interrupts him. " - Little nobody." Boy band cuts him off again. "- Don't call me that." Tez reboots the system with Ramsey's help of course. "She is up an running guys." Tez announces. Deckard also says" Great do me a favor, and tell your majesty over there, that we're gonna find Torretto." Hobbs doesn't take that to lightly. "We find Torretto together as a team. When this is all over, you have me to slap that biscuit right off his face."  Mateo speaks pointedly at the team.

 "Wait a minute, guys. I think Deckard's actually onto something." She continues. " How do you think Dom and Cipher got into the country without us knowing?" Ramsey answers. "- Ghost flights." Little Nobody responds to that statement."- I though all that untraceable aircraft it was all internet conspiracy stuff. " Mateo shut him down. "It's not. Satellites and radar grids... All across the globe shift. Like an ocean. And they've got channels that open and close. And theoretically, if you know the right people who... Know the right patterns. You can fly right through the blind's box... can't be intercepted." Hobbs spoke up. "So you know where Dom is headed?" Mateo continued on. " Yeah, New York." Mr.Nobody turns to Hobs and says. "You see there Luke.. You guys... are gonna get along just great. Husband and wife perfect match." Hobbs grabs Mateo by her waist and kisses her neck. "Which proves, rule number two, you never lose everything. Fire up the chopper." Mr. Nobody orders." You guys, have a bowl and a Big Apple." Letty looks at everyone. "Are we travelling like this again? Because Dom took God's Eye, so we need to stay off the grid." Roman looks uneasy. 

"Look here man. Before I throw up in my mouth... Let me ask you what are we doing here?" Little nobody responds to him while guiding the crew to another room in the facility.

 Let me ask you what are we doing here?" Little nobody responds to him while guiding the crew to another room in the facility

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 "That's a good question, Roman. Let me show you. Welcome to our new base of operations." Everyone looks around in awe. "Now seriously, what is this place?" Tez questions in amazement. " This... is heaven." Roman replies.Little nobody says something better. " The agency garage. We call it the toy shop. This is where we house every vehicles seized from drug dealers of East coast." He turns to the group. " Now. Mr nobody said.. If we're gonna have a chance of catching Dom.. We're gonna have to be damn fast."

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