NEW YORK CITYThe team is on the rooftop as Ramsey is adding food to the table the rest of the team are huddled up and talking to one another as it felt like a reunion. Letty and Dom are looking at the view. She rubs his back. " It's okay he's gonna be here soon." Roman and Tej are bother Ramsey.
"I get it yall got a lot in common computer hacks, God's eye, geeks, nerds... you know. But we gotta lot in common too right." Tej looks at him sidways. " Like what?"
Roman continues to explain. " We walk in the room and we're oozing sex appeal. Me and you hip to hip. It's a problem. I'm asking a real question right now. Is it gonna be Revenge of the Nerds? Or The Dark Knight." Ramsey tilts her head to side. " To be honest I like both of you. "Both Roman and Tej look taken aback. Ramsey holds her fingers up. " But , just before we get into all of that. Let me ask you one question."
Tej and Roman say you can ask me anything. "What's my last name?" They both look confuse and Roman holds his finger up. When you guys figure it out. I guess you can let me know." Ramsey starts to walk away. Tej speaks after her. " It's gonna be parker." Roman speaks over Tej. " Jones." Bothe of them speaking over each other. " Jones." Mrs. Parker. Hey Mrs Parker."Mister Nobody walks up to Letty, Hobbs and Samantha with Little Nobody following behind him giving Letty a hug. " I want to thank you." Mister Nobody brushes that off. " No need" Hobbs stand up straight look at Mister Nobody. " Cipher is still on the loose." Mister nobody says. " There's been some reports shes in Athens. But she won't be nuking any cities anytime soon thanks to you guys" Little nobody pulls out a box towards Hobbs show his badge and gun.
"Your records been cleared. Full reinstatement. You got your job back. If you want it of course." Hobbs looks at the paperwork." Has anyone said anything about my wife?" Nobody looks at hobbs with a glint in his eye and touches his shoulder. " This could be interesting." He says look toward the upper part of the rooftoop.
Deckard and Mateo with Dom and she has the baby in her arms she hands the baby to Dom, and looks at Deckard."What made you think i'd do it?" Dom replies Brotherhood. " I saw that look you gave Cipher." He looks at Mateo." You just happen to be a bonus. I was shocked that you ran after Deckard. You're more than just Hobb's wife. You're family." Mateo walks up to give him a hug. Mateo turns to Deckard and hugs him. " Thank you Decks for having my back." Deckard hugs her back. " Don't go crying on me you wanker." And playfully pushes her.
"Mom!" She whips her head to the voice of her name being called. Mateo instantly starts crying as she she Her husband and step-daughter. Samantha screams and runs as fast as her feet can carry her Mateo doing the same picking Samantha up and spinning her around." Iv'e missed you so much mom." Mate pulls back to hold her face." Iv'e missed you more i will try not to leave you again. "
She kisses Samantha's forhead as someone clears their throat. Mateo stands up nervously looking at her husband. He pulls her closer to him by the belt of her dress."Don't you ever do that to me again." He grabs her chin. "Do you hear me woman?" Mateo looks up at Luke. " I hear you big man." Luke's eyes start to water holding Mateo's face his forehead touching hers." I though I lost the love of my life. I never want mine, or Samantha's life without you in it."
Mateo nods her head with tears coming down her cheeks. Luke wipes them away. "I'm so sorry baby." She rubs her thumbs on his cheeks and peck his lips twice. " Woman give me a real kiss." he grabs the back of Mateo's head and pulls her in for a passionate kiss ad the team cheers and Samantha covers her eyes." Okay that's enough mom, dad." They pull apart laughing and kiss one more time. Mateo grabs Lukes hand as samantha grabs her other hand walking to the table. "What this about you taking a break? Hmmm?" She says wiggling her eyebrows. Luke stops and looks over at a smiling Samantha.
"Honey go ahead and sit at the table we will be right there." Luke grabs both Mateo's hands holding them." I want to work on Luke Jr. and spending time with my family." Luke says smugly. Mateo raises an eyebrow and wraps her arms around his neck. " Luke Jr. huh? I guess i can get down with that." Kiss him as Luke picks her up off of her feet. Mateo squeals. "Put me down big man. Let's go eat."