Little Nobody gives them more to look at in the warehouse. "Maybe this could help. We got a tank. 750 horsepower. 6.6 liter V8 Duramax engine with the M153 probe remotely operated weapon station on top." He finishes saying. Letty speaks up looking around amazed . "You didn't get this from drug dealers." Tej hopped in the conversation to reassured her. " No. No that... United State's army weaponry. See the army developing machines like this the soldiers could drive from a mile way so they can stay safe. And alive. But luckily.. There is a back up driver seat for those of us who like to get more.. Hands on." He says getting into the machine in front of him.
Little Nobody hurries to speak up. " No one is getting hands on it. She doesn't go on some streets. " Rome speaks up looking up. "I'm in love." Little Nobody sighs. " Again? No. No... That's a million dollar show car. The point is to not draw attention." Roman looks towards him . " It's reverse psychology. Dom will never see it coming." Little Nobody looks at him in disbelief . "It's neon orange, The international space station would see it coming. Go choose anything less noticeable." He gestures to other cars around. Rome however is not having it. "No no. This is ridiculous. Hey my man, you can put that down right there. This is a gift. A real gift. I know what you're doing. I like your beard. You're blanta. Black Santa." Roman say seriously as Black Santa shakes his head smiling towards him.
Meanwhile With Dom......
Dom is on another mission for Cipher but somethings different about this particular one . "What are you doing?" Cipher asks as Dom is pulling over to stop the car. Dom replies. "Engine's misfiring, I gotta check it out. " Cipher shakes her head looking at him on the screen "No. That's not part of the plan, Dom." He looks annoyed replying " Clearly.. But unless you want the engine to cease on the job." He says weighing her options.She sharply says . "You have five minutes." She types away on her own computer speaking t another person. " I want another visual." Her helper respond to her with. " I got an ATM." Cipher looks suspiciously at the live feed before her. " I don't like this. I want to see Toretto." The Helper responds . "There are no more cameras." Cipher becomes impatient.
" Then find something. Punch in on something reflective a car mirror, anything." Going on trying to figure out what Dom is doing. Dominic Toretto has something else under his sleeve. " You know who I am?" A woman asks him. Dom replies saying. "That's why I'm here." She looks dangerously at him and asks another question. "You know what I'm capable of?" Dom says "It's why I'm here." The woman picks up her tea cup while saying "I'll give you until I finish my cuppa. And I'm fucking thirsty." She takes a sip of her tea. Dom says "I got limited time. So won't take up too much of yours." The woman looks shocked "Oh no. No, you've already taken everything I have of value, Mr. Toretto, What more could you possibly want?" She puts her cup down." Dom says "To give you something back." We flash back to Cipher she feels like something is up. "Talk to me. Something's not right here." Back to Dom's situation. "First time I saw my son... was behind a bulletproof glass. When he reached me, I couldn't hold him. It's the worst pain I ever felt.. I know you know exactly how that feels. Maybe we could change that." Dom finishes up. The Shaw siblings mother speaks up.
"I think.. You are about to suggest something really dodgy Mr Toretto." He slide over to her to what looks like a watch. " It's why I'm here." He says. All the while Cipher is losing her patience. "Just punch in on something, I'm not liking this. Something is not right. - Rhodes, you close? " He responds."- Yeah." She tells him. " - Go. - " Computer helper interrupts to say. "The delivery truck's moving." You see Dom finally getting a lose piece from his car showing it to Cipher and continuing with the scheduled plan.
Back with the rest of the team....
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Luke walks in reading a book of some sort. "Captain Deckard Shaw, distinguished himself by acts of gallantry of the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty. His bold actions saved the lives of hostages and his team mates. Recommendation: Victoria Cross. Highest honor the British Government has ever given." He looks at Deckard and finishes up by saying. " To a traitor." He continues. " Some about this old thing just doesn't add up to me." Deckard stops what he's doing. " Well then don't do the same kind of funny math, It says a DSS agent who has a soul to stop a valid stolen EMP. Sound familiar huh? " Deckard continues to work on a car. "Wanna give me a hand?" He asks Luke. Luke responds. " - On three? "- Yeah. One two.. Luke helps him lift a part and says "You know, twinkle toes in another life we could've caused some serious damage." Deckard somewhat smiles ."Yes, we could have. " Luke says. Deckard replies saying" Yeah. Shame I'll have to bounce your head off the fender, when this is all over." He grins Luke says . "Ah well. With all due respect, Captain, When this whole thing is over we're gonna find a location and I'm gonna knock your teeth so far down your throat." Mateo walks up to both of them and pinches their cheeks. "Look at you two getting along this is great." Luke moves her hand and pulls her toward him." You know this is about to get a whole lot rougher." He looks at his wife with concerning and loving eyes. Mateo Hold his cheeks and looks at him. "Baby we got this we are a team." She pecks his lips and smile at him. Luke and Mateo walk to the room with the others.
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Lets cut to see what Cipher has been up to in the last few minutes. " Give me God's eyes." She says to whomever . They respond. "God's eye active. " She thanks them and continues to look at her plans unfold. She speaks up to no one in particular. "Let's find us some Russian. I spy with my little eye... Minister of defense."The Minister's Assistant speaks up " We land back in Moscow by nine. Here's the latest defense report, All the items in yesterday's meet." Cipher speaks to Dom showing him on her monitor. Cipher tells her team." Upload this coordinates to Dom's nav." Her team responds." Copy that." Cipher speaks to Dom. "He's in the third car. It's a guard class limousine." Dom speaks. " Where's my team?" Cipher asks " Where's his team?" Her guys respond by telling her. " There's no sign of 'em yet. They are off the grid. Probably just bunker down somewhere."
Cipher is looking anxiously at the screen. " Closing in on him. You guys ready? One thing I can guarantee you Dom. No one's ready for this." She speaks to her team. "I want every with chip with the zero day exploits in a two mile radius around that motorcade now." Team responds with. " There's over a thousands of them." She looks unbothered and says . " Hack 'em all. It's zombie time. I'd buckle up if I were you." A car randomly starts up as Ciphers Hacker take over . AUTO-DRIVE ACTIVATED The care radio navigation screen shows and starts to move startling the driver." Hey..!" Cipher is watching all the action and gives an order " Target the motorcade." She looks over at her screen and sees the team....