Waking up the next morning and rolling over to feel nothing but paper i shot up from my bed. I read the paper..."I love You." ARE YOU SERIOUS! i yell and rip up the note. I go and call my sister"Hey Mari i need a huge favor I need you to watch Sam for a while till I get back. Okay thank you i owe you bug time." I hung up the phone and go to Sam's room and lean or the doorway. "Hey beauty you are going with my sister while I go after your father.' I say while putting my hair up."Are you guys divorcing ? Because if you are can i go with you?." She says plainly ."Hmm that's if he doesn't come back with a new attitude. Now lets wash up and ill make you breakfast before you go."
Meanwhile Hobbs has met up with the rest of the team." Alright. Great job, team. Let's break up and meet me at the safe house." Luke finishes off saying to the group they break off and Dom continues to follow Hobbs. Hobbs looks over and speaks into the radio. "Hell of a job, brother when we can get back to the base beers on me." Next thing Dom rams his car into Hobbs convoy sending him flying off the road.
"You lost your goddamn mind Toretto!" Dom reaches and picks up the package. "Toretto you put you hands on that thing and you;re gonna have the whole world coming for you including me." Hobbs threatens as Dom continues to follow his own plans. "It ain't to late to stop this." Said Hobbs. Dom glances back "It is now." He gets into his car and drove off. Hobbs speaks into his radio 'That some bitch just crossed us." A series of what from the team ring out tthey are disbelief that this is happening right now.Hobbs speaks "Dom took the EMP." "Bullshit. Where are you?" Letty says harshly. Hobbs says "It's too late for me get out of here I saw that look in his eyes i've seen that look before Dominic Toretto just went rogue." Letty Goes off to the side and pulls out her phone. "Mateo you need to get here and now ill send you the rest of the information." She quickly hangs up the phone.
The team regroups to figure out where Dom has gone. "Alright, I got his phone records, y'all. It's a whole bunch of calls to untraceable numbers." Tez walks up and say to everyone. "Burner phone, right?"..." Nah. Scrambled. Same number but they got some sort of micro-router to bury the signal path which means Dom is clearly communicating with somebody that is above our pay grade." Tez finishes off. Ramsey interrupts." Look, I don't know Dom as well as you, but if we just look at the facts. Dom's been having highly encrypted conversation with some mysterious person. He took out Hobbs. He stole the EMP, now he's disappeared. " Letty has looks ready to kill and says "So what're you saying?"Maybe we should consider the fact that.. Hobb's right. Dom did go rogue."Ramsey says. Letty breathes"Before you judge the man, Remember you're breathing now because he saved your life." She walks away shoving her shoulder into Ramsey. Rome Speaks up" You just gone let her do you like that?"He laughs. Ramsey gives him a blank stare. "What i'm just saying it looked a little aggressive. " Rome defends.
Soon enough Mr.Nobody shows up with a college frat boy look a like. Rome doesn't hesitate to speak up on the new found member."What boy band bus did he fall off of ?" Mr.Nobody proceeds to introduce him as his junior associate. Boy band takes over and introducing to what is new in the plan. " Mr Nobody and I have been given the authority to get you out of this. All you have to do is agree to the terms and you're free."Hobbs looks over questioning him. 'What terms?" "Confess to your crimes in Berlin. Treason, international espionage. Massive destruction of civic property. You do that, we close the case- Hobbs interrupts saying" And?" ."And the DSS blacklist. Officially you'll be a criminal."Boy band states.
Mr. Nobody chimes in quickly.."Woah, woah, woah. You need to work on your delivery alright. Unofficially you're off the books. Come work with me. " He tries to convince Hobbs." I'm not a criminal." Hobbs states finally."Luke Come on. Labels. There is no confession. There are no back room deals." Mr.nobody tries to win him over. I got myself into this, I'm gonna get myself out of it. " Hobbs says firmly getting impatient. Boy band speaks up "You know that for certain?"....."I do and that's what I told them." Hobbs says.Boy band sarcastically opens his mouth and says "Well, there you have it. Good luck in the course, man! What about your daughter? Your Wife Mateo ? You know, if you're not gonna do it your country, at least do it for your kid and lady." He smirks smartly. Hobbs fastly walks up to him and yolks him up while saying "Big mistake kid." Mr.Nobody Tries to fit in between t break up the tension saying." Hold on. Look, look. He's still working from the manual. I mean, he doesn't even really know the rules." Hobbs does look convinced as he tightens his grip on boyband . "Oh come on. Give him a break. Get a break." Mr.Nobody finishes. Hobbs puts him down. "Oh and i forgot we have a new special guest everybody I want you to meet Mateo Hobbs." He instructs with gesturing to his right.