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"And here they come."Cipher says seeing all the cars about to crash into the escorts. "Ouch." Cipher says. Hackers says to her. "Police escort down" Cipher smirks and says. "Take out the lead and follow cars." Hacker replies. "Two more down."
With the team on stand by waiting for their "call"....
"There's more cars ahead of us. Shoot their engines. Oh God! We got an army of cars driving themselves. Send backup! Send S.W.A.T! I don't care if you send the goddamn boy scout... - Just send up some help!" They hear over the radio." Letty speaks up picking up the radio. " Now that's Dom." They all roll out paired with one another besides Luke. Mateo looks up at her husband" What why am i not riding with you?" She asks I want you to be in the car with Deckard okay i need you to be in the car with him." He says holding her shoulders. Mateo looks up at him with painful eyes. Luke bends down and kisses her." This is just the beginning baby, I love you. " He says. " I love you too". Everyone gets in their cars. Hacker starts to speak. "The motorcade just turned on 7th." Cipher grins. " Perfect. Make it rain. Target immobilized. You are up Dom." He pulls out a gun and starts shooting to get to the minister.
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The minister looks startled and questions. "Who the hell is that? - What is he doing? " The minister's assistant is looking at the others. "What the hell are you waiting for? Shoot him!' He shouts. The assistant speaks up. " Don't worry sir. This car is bulletproof. You'll be safe in here. " Dom demands. "Give me the case." The minister gives up willingly. "Give him the case" The assistant argues back. "These are nuclear launch codes. We cannot give it to him." They see Dom pull out a firefighter saw. "What is he doing now?" The minister asks. "He just cut a hole in our gas tank." The assistant says while Dom pulls out a flare stick giving them an ultimatum of either handing over the code or blow them the fuck up. Dom successfully got the codes.
Cipher says to him. "Good work, Dom. Meet you at the pickup." Dom looks around and see he's surrounded by his team. "I think I know where my team's at." Cipher looks and asks. "Where?" Dom says. "Right in front of me." Cipher leans over her computer and tells him ."This is on you. Get out of there, Dom." Mateo speaks up. "Guys, I know why Dom's here. Police scanners are saying he's stolen Nuclear Football." She says and everyone is just shocked." Luke speaks up on his car speaker. "It's over, Toretto. Get your ass out of the car now." Dom That's how you wanna play this? Let's play." Letty says to her self in the car while her heart is racing." Don't do this, Dom." Do puts his car in gear and takes off. Little Nobody tries to be a hero and falls into the trap Dom has set up . Letty speaks up into her radio fast at little nobody.
"What're you doing?" Luke speaks right after her. "It's a trap! " Little nobody runs his car straight into flowers we all take off. Tej speaks up. "Now I know what it feels like be every cop ever chasing us." Little Nobody says into his radio. " I'm gonna get a little close i'm gonna pit him." Roman speaks sarcastically. " Oh, so you just gonna take Dom? Little Nobody has clearly lost his little mind." Little nobody speaks into his radio once more. "I'm on him."Luke warns him ." Easy, work together." Luke hurries and speaks into the radio. "Look out! - Wait, wait, wait!" Realizing Dom had set him up with wall siding rails falling on top of his car. " Oh shit." Little nobody says. Luke speaks up again. "I will take the short cut."
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Ramsey speaks up to Tej. " Look out! Watch these people!" Roman has to cut in to say. "Big Sexy coming through!" Letty talks to her self letting loose a grapplling hook to Doms car. "Not this time, Dom." Luke speaks into the radio to everyone."Stretch him out. Hold him!" Every one is struggling keeping a hold on Dom's car. " He gotta have about 2000 Horse Power in that thing." Luke says. Tej also says. "Try 3000. " Mateo Says. Looking at Deckard. "Try Five." It cuts to Cipher were she tells Dom. " Get out of there. I'm working on it." Cipher grown impatient. " Stop working on it, and do it" Dom revs up his engine more and more. He knocks out his door letting Lukes truck go flying he lets his passenger door go as well he drives forward into Rome who is panicking awfully. " No, no no... It's my Bentley. No!" Dom Has all of the cars jerking forward and tire axles ripping off flipping the car Mateo and Deckard are in over.
Doms car falls apart as well he see the codes on the concrete road.Cipher voices. " Get that case and run! Move!" She finishes angrily. Both Deckard and Mateo got out and ran towards the case. Luke sees Mateo and shouts "NO!." Mateo continues to jump over cars and keeps up with Deckard she fires shots at Dom. He turns around quickly halting them both. He speaks up . "They thought this was gonna be a street fight." Deckard puts Mateo Behind him. " What are you waiting for Toretto" Dom takes Two shots one for Deck and one for Mateo. Luke catches up just to see the end. "No!" He shouts. Letty runs buy Dom and grabs the case.
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" Letty, stop!" Dom yells at her. Letty turns around with determination on her face. "What are you gonna do? I don't know why you're doing this, but I know one thing. You love me. And you're not gonna to shoot me." She turns around and get stopped by Rhodes holding a gun to her head. He tells her. " You should've given him the case, cause I won't chase you." He grabs it but Letty is not letting go. "Okay." He says " I will just take it from a dead girl." As he finished that sentence a gun cocks and Dom is at the trigger. " You willing to die for it?" The have an intense stare down. Rhodes tries to take the case again but Letty isn't letting go . Dom looks hard at her once more she finally lets go. Rhodes speaks up. "Let's go then." The walk away leaving leaving devastated.
Back with the team somewhat. Luke speaks first. " Anything?" Little Nobody speaks up. "They're gone. And D.O.D confirmed it was a nuclear football. He's got an EMP and nuclear launch codes. I don't what it is, but they're building towards something. "Luke speaks up again. "Mateo? Deckard?" Luke says feeling broken that his wife could be dead as well as a fond friend. Little Nobody looks down and says. " Neither of them made it." Luke Punches the wall and walks away like a mad man.