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The team is behind some small boulders with hi-tech binoculars looking out for any Cipher activity. Suddenly Luke speaks up. "Letty I don't like telling you this. The game's changed. Before we were trying just to catch Dom, but now after all of this.. I want you to know, if I have to I'm gonna put him down." Letty looked into space for a while but with intensity and looked at Hobbs. "Then you might have to take us both down."She looks to Hobbs again. " I'm sorry about Mateo." Luke looks hard at her and back to his binoculars. We cut over to see how the rest of the team are doing with the climate change. Rome voices his thoughts to Tej with Ramsey overhearing.
"I'm freezing man. This ain't for me. I come from a different kind of lifestyle brah. Ladies know me. They know where I'm at with. I try to take a piss, I ain't even recognize myself." Tejs looks over at him disgusted along with Ramsey. 'Now that's entirely too much information." Roman justifies. "I'm just saying." Little nobody speaks up. "Well, one thing is for sure. Dom's gotta be either working with them or making a train cause no one will be this insane to hit this place without a damn army." Letty cuts her eyes at him ."I wouldn't be so sure about that. "
Luke chimes in seeing Dom driving towards them to another part of the base.. "Speak of the Devil." Dom is driving to the base with Cipher viewing his every move once again for the last time.Cipher is looking at everything on her screen.
"Alright, Dom, you're one step closer to that family reunion." One of her men inform her of whats happening. "400 meters to base." Cipher gives them an order. "Prep the EMP. Let's take these defenses down." Dom fires up the EMP while continuing towards the base. The Russian base commanders speak to one another. "We have a possible threat incoming. Raise the barricade. " The Russian solider types in codes to raise the barricade. Dom sees that the EMP is fully charged and send out an electromagnetic pulse which forces th barricade down. 'We've lost power, get to your positions now." The Russian soldier speak with alert ready to take action. Cipher speaks with a grin upon her face. "Gates are open. Let's get this party started." Dom drive through the base while soldiers are shooting rounds after rounds to his car. Unfazed Dom continues onto the mission. Cipher's men alerts her of the status of the EMP. "EMP's are charging." Cipher asks. " How long?" Cipher looks to Dom through the monitor as her men speaks. "60 seconds." Cipher leans over her keyboard.
"Alright, Dom, You've one pulse left in that EMP. That sub is heavily insulated. You're gonna need to be right underneath it, for this thing to work." Dom speeds up as the EMP is recharging from the first pulse. Soldiers are shooting at him with their helicopter machine guns. Dom makes it under the submarine and sets off a final pulse. The Russian soldiers speak into the radio while panicking. "I'm loosing control, mayday, mayday. I'm going down. Y" The helicopter crashes down. Cipher beams with excitement. "Yes, two birds with one stone. We've got control of the sub. Dom, we are good. Head over to the Rendezvous." Cipher walks over to one of her men and holds his shoulders. " Ok Matty... ...Let's take this baby for a spin."