Waking up to get the day started is nothing.Getting the day started when you have a husband like mine is something. Rolling over into nothing but pillows is very disappointing but it's understandable. I get up and do my hygiene routine and get on with the morning. "Babygirl it's time to get up you have a game today and you know how your dad is let's move." I say while walking down the stairs to get a small breakfast started.Did I forget to mention Luke has a daughter from a previous relationship "Mom did dad leave already I can't find my cleats!!" Samantha yells from her room. "Yes Sam just put on your slides and come down to eat a bit before he has fit over us being late to this game!" I hear rushing of feet and gear come down the stairs. "Everything is packed in the Jeep babe grab some grub and let's go "I say while putting on my shoes. We head out to get in the car .Ooooweeee this is my baby besides Luke and Sam of course.
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My phone starts ringing and I hand it to Sam to answer."Hey dad no we just left the house oh my god dad we aren't going to be late we don't even live that far okay here." She hands me the phone " Hi babe what's the issue?? Luke we are almost there you just want to do your scare tactics to intimidate the other team babe they are young girls!! Yeah blah blah okay." I hang up and look at Sam "Your father is unbelievable." I laugh as we pull up at the soccer park. I grab our stuff lock the car and we head to our teams area. "Finally you guys are here would have thought the Kardashian's has a new season come out." Luke says and he grabs the stuff. "Ha ha dad the new season is already on and does come on till 8." Sam says while rolling her eyes." Okaaaaaaaaay babygirl you go out there and kill it okay ."I kiss her forehead and I kiss her coach "Go big or go home big guy." I say while patting his chest walking away to sit down and watch." Wooooo go Red Dragons!!!!!" I yell.Next thing I know is a see a man in a suit walk up to Luke
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I just shake my head because there is always some bullshit to interrupt family time and our lives in general I understand it comes with the job but even the biggest deserve a fucking break. I walk up to them not caring about interrupting." Um hi yeah what's going on Luke.?" I question while looking up at him and this man in the suit."Ma'am this is a pri-."Stop right there I was talking to my husband but if you would like to tell me what's going that you need to interrupt a family moment please do tell us both." I say with a terrible attitude. "This is my Wife of all my life's purpose gotta keep her happy Happy wife happy life."Luke says as he rubs up and down my shoulders. "A democly 7 EMP went missing in the gulf and well we have a class 4 WMD do you have any idea what's a stake here ?" He asks while Luke is focused on getting his team to win." Yes if Pink Butterflies beat my Red Dragons that means we lose the championship which means I have 20 little girls who are crying. And that's not good which means I have to spend a lot of my time in ice cream shops and in tay tay concerts." Luke says to him while yelling at the girls for leg corrections. I cover my mouth to stop laughing at how serious this man is." The man takes off his glasses and proceeds to explain to Luke."We need you to do this, Lot of lives are at stake. I need to be clear here. US Government can not sanction this operation in anyway. You're on your own. This thing goes sideways you don't just get burned, you go to prison. And there's nothing we can do to get you out." Luke looks at me Honey can you cheer on our girls while I sort this out ?" I look at him and say "yes baby COME ON CHLOE YOU GOT THIS GO RED DRAGONS!!!" Luke turns to the man and says" The only thing I love more than saving lives is my daughter so if you don't shut up with this government bullshit and start showing some team spirit and respect for the Red Dragons I'm going to have all 20 of them lined up to kick you right in the tay-tay." Luke and the man turn around and starts cheering on them team .The Red Dragons score and when the game. Samantha runs up to us and hugs her dad then me and looks up and says"Daddy's gotta go to work?" Luke responds by saying "Oh yeah daddy's gotta go to work." The man follows up by telling Luke he's going to need a team that he can trust.Luke already knows what's in mind as do I.