Chapter 9

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Hans, Ulrich, Elsa, Nixie, Azibo, Bahoz, Mystral, Honeymaren, Kristoff, Ryan, Mattias, and all 11 of Hans' brothers gather in a tightly packed meeting tent. The atmosphere is tense as they discuss a plan to save Queen Anna. Suddenly, a raven sent from King Erebus flies into the tent, carrying a ransom note. The room falls silent.

HANS: (confused)

What in the trolls' name is this?

Hans carefully unravels the note and begins reading aloud.

HANS: (reading)

"Hand over the troll mirror, and you shall see the return of Queen Anna."

Everyone exchanges worried glances, their gaze naturally moving towards the troll mirror, which sits partially veiled by a blanket. Kristoff speaks up, concern lacing his voice.

KRISTOFF: (whispering)

If we give Erebus the mirror, a lot of people are going to die. We can't let that happen.

Elsa, deep in thought, closes her eyes for a moment, then opens them with a determined expression.

ELSA: (realizing)

But what choice do we have? Anna's safety is our top priority. If giving up the mirror is the only way to save her...

Just as desperation begins to settle over the group, one of Hans' brothers, Runo, raises his hand and offers a hopeful idea.

RUNO: (excitedly)

Wait! I have an idea! What if we switch the mirrors? I have one that looks almost identical to the troll mirror!

King Ulrich's face beams with pride, beaming at his son's ingenuity. Mattias interjects, wanting to address the potential risks.

MATTIAS: (cautious)

And what's our plan B if King Erebus finds out?

BAHOZ: (grinning)

Simple. We'll take names and kick butt, my friends!

The group erupts in laughter, a brief moment of levity amidst the tension. Hans swiftly drafts a response to King Erebus, accepting the trade offer.


We are willing to make the exchange. Queen Anna's safety is our priority.

As the message is sent back, Hans, Elsa, Bahoz, Nixie, Mystral, and Azibo gather their powers, focusing their collective strength on the troll mirror. With a powerful surge of magic, the mirror shatters into a million pieces.

The group looks at each other, a mix of determination and hope in their eyes.




Hans, the fiery prince, Elsa, the ice queen, Nixie, the water manipulator, Azibo, father nature, Mystral, the lady of the breeze, and Bahoz, the man of thunder, all come together to train for their mission to save Queen Anna.


The team performs various training exercises, showcasing their unique powers.

(Verse 1 - Hans)

A fire burning deep within my soul,

I'll harness its power, I'll take control,

With flames and lava, I'll light the way,

Together, we'll bring a brighter day.

Hans dramatically creates a sword out of fire.

He smirks and his eyes glow green.

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