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Author's Note:

QUESTION: I haven't started any controversy in a while. Let's change that, what is one(or more) things within the RWBY fanfiction community that annoys you?

The obvious one for me is the amount of OOC moments in stories. I read fanfiction to see the characters I love in different situations. But when suddenly Yang is an absolute whore, Jaune is a chad that has all women slipping in their juices to get into his pants, and everyone else is over doing some arbitrary character defining trait to the max it's unreadable for me.

I also haven't picked a fight with the community for a while.

Here's an unpopular opinion of mine... when fics see Monty

Oum as an in character god it's annoying. "Swear to Oum" "Oum Damnit" "Thank Oum" I love Monty Oum don't mistake that and yes I know it's a community thing in reverence to Monty but I hate it. It's OOC and a pointless AU.

Remember my Bio introduction. My profile picture is an anime character so my opinion is not valid. If you're offended please write a flame, if I think it's genuine and funny enough I might put it in my review hall of fame. My favorite flame is already there for all of you to see.

Thanks for the love and support! Please review and flame.

Cover Art: Cruz7808

Review, point out mistakes, and flame.

Story got deleted on FFN, should be up on Quotev, and Archive too. Get's posted on Wattpad first.

For cool fanart and art in general check out my sister's art page on insta: Artist . Joanna (No spaces) or twt: ArtistJoanna

S9E4- Evacuation Plan

"Pyrrha, you being in the show brings up the question of why we were sent the show." Ren commented.

"Again." Weiss sighed.

Ren nodded "But it is still entirely uncertain whether we'll get an answer."

"The question has always been in the back of my mind." Blake admitted.

"Mine too, but I try not to dwell on it." Ren nodded before turning to Pyrrha who shrugged.

"I plan on simply seeing what happens." Pyrrha explained. "Maybe the answer will come if we keep watching the show."

"That's the spirit." Yang smiled. I already have one answer I'm looking for, I don't need another. Yang thought with a frown.

" Evacuation Plan" appeared on the screen with the theme.

"Ohh! I think this is going to be the episode with the cool plane fight thing we saw in the canon trailer thingy!" Nora grinned.

"Non-canon." Blake corrected.

Nora frowned, "That's still so weird. And why is it called canon? Is it because Cannons are solid, really cool weapons that shoot huge balls that explode!"

Blake chuckled, "No, and it's because the publishers of a very famous book a long time ago used the word to establish everything in their book being true while all other false copies or interpretations weren't."

Nora scrunched her mouth up in a huff, "That sounds really weird, why have I never heard of this book?"

"What book was it? Was it a fairy tale?" Ruby asked hopefully.

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