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Author's Note:

The more season 18 news I see the more disappointed I get. The fight scene shown needs some extreme polish.

Also wow, Joel is no longer a part of RT. Rip Caboose and Rip Dr. Oobleck. Don't ask me about it. I don't have the info, Just watch Eruptionfang's video or Clownfish TV's which goes into more detail. The info comes from Joel's tweets and Reddit. I wouldn't trust reddit for any kind of info but Joel's tweets are a pretty good primary source.

If you want my opinion.. eh, it's happened before with Kathleen. I'm more disappointed that the characters he played will no longer show up or change significantly. You can rant all you want, I love reading your opinions but I don't really have any kind of opinion on the topic of RT drama. Of course other than thinking the members of RT should get their shit together and keep it together, practice the golden rule, and most importantly... keep creating things because they love to do it for themselves and us.

NEW AN: Been staying away from RT news, I'm so behind now.

S9E6- Familiar Feelings

"Yeah I can see that." Jaune shrugged.

"Sarge still hasn't gone back to his normal awesome ways." Nora pouted. "And now cool Donut is gone!"

"Normal Donut is better!" Ruby exclaimed with a raised fist.

Pyrrha gave a humming laugh towards Ruby, "I like Donut when he's himself, he didn't seem happy."

Nora sighed, "Awwugh! you're right." She groaned. "That means Sarge is sad too."

Pyrrha winced, "Seeing Sarge sad last season was hard."

Nora nodded with wide puppy eyes, "If he starts building another Red base we'll know he's sad."

Yang snorted, "It's a constructive coping mechanism." Ruby groaned as she rubbed her temples, "Please stop." "Come on that was clever." Yang argued.

"You are quick witted in the worst way." Blake admitted.

"High praise, thank you." Yang grinned. "I'll accept that."

Blake smirked, "Beggars can't be choosers right?"

"Ohhhhh!" Nora whooped.

Weiss snickered along with Ruby, turning to see Yang's begrudging smile.

"That was good." She shook her head with a slight grin.

" Familiar Feelings" appeared on the screen with the theme.

Blake bit the inside of her mouth, "I can't predict anything from the title."

"Me neither." Jaune chimed in.

The scene fades to show Church and Caboose standing atop Blue base.

"The ring world still annoys me." Blake mumbled.

"What? Oh yeah I forgot about that." Yang shrugged, "Why?"

"It's never explained." Blake explained. "So much about the world they are in isn't explained. World building is important."

"I think there's a reason for that." Jaune held up a finger, "Remember the show is in a video game, and we know they didn't make the game-"

"-Well pretty sure they didn't." Ruby cut in.

"Pretty sure they didn't." He repeated. "So the world building was probably done by the game."

Blake hummed, "Thought so, it makes me curious about the game's story."

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