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Author's Note:

While rewatching RWBY as my kitten sleeps on top of me I remembered that my sister also guessed Penny was a robot because of her clothes. They reminded her of Halo Forerunners. I mentioned her before, she also guessed Pyrrha would die. We were watching Pyrrha throw her spear at Jaune and she said "She's probably going to die." I've made jokes in the past about Ren and Blake not being able to enjoy shows because they guess everything on the first page. Those were inside jokes of mine that matched their character.

I also just noticed that Pyrrha's green eyeliner foreshadows her becoming a maiden.

Cover Art: Cruz7808

S9E16- Hell's Angel

"Oh that's rich coming from you." Weiss pouted.

"Everything's rich coming from you." Yang quipped.

Weiss and Ruby groaned.

Jaune chuckled and hit play. "That was good."

"Hey!" Weiss protested.

Yang took a bow, Pyrrha and Jaune laughed.

"Hell's Angel" appeared on the screen with the theme.

"The title sounds like a biker gang." Nora commented. "Those guys were a huge problem in Mistral."

"Bandits." Pyrrha growled. "Murderers and thieves stealing from frontier villages to survive. Leaving the survivors to the Grimm."

"Are they a big problem in Mistral?" Yang asked

Ren grimaced, "Anima is full of bandits, Mistral has control over more land than any other other kingdom. But that also means the farther away from the capital you are. The more lawless it becomes."

Ruby and Yang nodded.

"Qrow taught us a little about Mistral." Ruby commented.

Jaune raised an eyebrow, confused.

"Our uncle taught at signal for a short time, he gave lessons on... well anything that he felt like or was told to." Yang explained. "But Hell's Angel sounds like Tex."

"Likely." Ren agreed.

Fade in to Church and Tucker outside Blue Base with a guitar strum.

"I was hoping for a freelancer episode, but Tex is back so whatever." Yang shrugged.

Church: "Tucker, c-come on man, help me. I need to find a way to have her stick around a bit longer."

Tucker: "Oh yeah sure, no problem. Maybe you and your girlfriend can find time to go on a killing spree. Do some real bonding."

"Tucker seems to be struggling with what he saw." Pyrrha paused for a moment. "It was very brutal."

"At least we know Lopez is fine." Jaune commented.

"He's a disembodied head." Weiss pointed out.

"He was a head for almost three full seasons." Jaune countered.

Church: "Tucker."

Tucker: "Oh, that's right, not your girlfriend. Just the girl that you're stalking, through multiple planes of existence."

Yang chuckled, "Heh, nice."

Church: "Hhgh."

Tucker: "Romantically."

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