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Authors Note:

Went through and reformatted all former chapters and took out/replaced OOC stuff. Mostly Yang being an obnoxious whore. And took out the entirety of Nora's and Yang's drunk adventure... why the hell did I write that? What was I thinking?

Anyway I am now a proud owner of the Ultimate Fan Guide. That's pretty cool.

Thanks to UknownHero for his great explanation of Recursion and Church's goal, His analogy was amazing.

Cover Art: Cruz7808

S9E9- Captive Audience

"I got it!" Nora shouted as she grabbed Jaune's scroll.

"I had it." Jaune pointed out to no avail.


" Captive Audience" appeared on the screen with the theme.

Jaune held his hand over the scroll in Nora's lap, ready to pause whenever anyone talked. Not daring to take the scroll back for fear of damaging it.

"I have a feeling someone is going to be captured." Yang commented.

"... is that a pun? Sometimes I can't tell with you." Weiss frowned.

"If anything, the title is the pun." Yang pointed out with a smirk. "Only if I'm right though."

Simmons, Grif, and Donut are seen standing on top of Red Base while Lopez and Sarge stand on the ground as an earthquake happens

Lopez: "Estos terremotos parecen estar empeorando.[These earthquakes seem to be getting worse.]"

Weiss chuckled with a wide smile on her face.

"You're so happy to have Lopez back." Yang laughed.

Weiss nodded, "I am, I hope he stays and doesn't get killed off again."

"Story of my life with Tex." Yang mumbled.

"And Church." Ruby added.

"Also Donut." Nora laughed. "A lot of characters die and come back."

Weiss huffed, "It does seem to be a pattern, but I won't complain if it continues with Lopez."

Sarge: "Good point, Lopez. I don't understand what you said, but you presented it in such a confident manner that it must be right."

Grif: "Man, that new robot really seems to be fitting in around here."

Simmons: "Yeah, I noticed."

Weiss smirked, "Someone's jealous."

"Is he afraid of Lopez taking his spot? Real Simmons never was." Nora frowned. "Unless real Simmons secretly harbored his hateful feelings!"

"I wouldn't put it past him, but Simmons isn't very good at controlling his emotions. He would have let something slip by now." Blake explained.

Grif: "He's pretty popular."

Simmons: "Awesome."

Donut: "Yeah, even though no one understands him, people seem to really want to get past the rough robotic exterior and get to know the inner Lopez."

Weiss hummed, "It would be interesting to know more about Lopez, and see him get some kind of development.. but I can't think of any possible way it could go."

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