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Cover Art: Cruz7808

S10E11- Out of Body

"So a non-freelancer episode?" Jaune asked.

Ruby and Nora nodded.

" Out of Body" appeared on the screen with the theme.

"Out of Body, hm that's probably a reference to Out of Mind." Blake commented.

"I'm betting it's because of Church." Ruby giggled, "Caboose is putting him in the Mongoose."

"Carolina is not going to be happy when she finds out." Pyrrha chuckled.

" ANCIENT ALIEN TEMPLES. PRESENT DAY" appeared on the screen.

Cut to Tucker, flanked by Simmons and Grif

Tucker: "So, uh, how do you feel?"

Cut to Carolina's Mongoose which springs to life at the questions. Church's voice speaks through the Mongoose.

Church: "I feel like running over each, and every one of you."

Ruby, Nora, Jaune, and Yang burst out laughing.

Yang began to clap, "As soon as the mongoose turned on I lost it."

"It's like that one horror movie." Jaune laughed.

Ruby continued to giggle uncontrollably.

"The situations they put themselves in." Weiss said, unable to keep the tiny grin off her face.

Tucker: "So pretty much the same as before."

Church: "Yeah. Pretty much."

The group laughed again.

Grif: "Y'know Simmons? I think I'm gonna let you call 'Shotgun' on this one."

"How courteous." Weiss rolled her eyes with a chuckle.

Grif runs off

Simmons: "Fuck that!"

Simmons also runs off. Church's AI form appears on the windshield of the Mongoose.

Church: "Man, this sucks!"

"I bet." Yang laughed, "Even though the Mongoose's are cool, he downgraded."

"The floating ball was way better." Ruby nodded.

Tucker: "What are you complaining about? You finally got your own body."

Church: "My own body? Tucker, I'm a fucking tonka truck!"

"I don't know what a tonka truck is-" Ruby snickered, "But it doesn't sound good."

Tucker: "Okay, yeah, but you could literally pick up chicks with this thing!"

"Everything about this scene is perfect." Yang commented.

Church: "Oh, yeah, because every girl just dreams about settling down with Optimus Prime - HONK!" Church flashes as the Mongoose's horn goes off.

Ruby, Nora, and Yang burst out laughing yet again.

Church turns around as Caboose stands up from behind the Mongoose.

Church: "Caboose! Don't do that."

Caboose: "Sorry."

Pyrrha giggled.

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