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Author's note:

So yeah another season 14 episode, I want to get the season 14 episodes out of the way as soon as I can so that it doesn't affect the season 10 reactions too much. Once I get these out of the way I can get to C.T. and that's an episode I'm excited to write a reaction to.

P.S: Also sorry for the wait, I wrote these chapters in a somewhat short time but I was only able to write them recently. School and work is a bastard of a combination.

P.S.S: And now the website has a bug that's fucking the chapters. Yay, hopefully these chapters post.

P.S.S.S: and the bug has finally been fixed, didn't post yesterday because I was working.

Cover Art: Cruz7808

S14E16- Head Cannon

"Maybe.. let's see." Jaune moved to hit play but a pop to his right interrupted him.

"Welp, the new kid is gone." Yang shrugged.

"Blake nooooo!" Ruby whined, Blake 2.0 was gone.

The real Blake sighed, "Ruby, I can't keep one up forever."

"Like I said, a gross misuse of a semblance." Weiss sighed. "More pointless than anything."

Blake scowled but said nothing.

Ruby nodded with a frown, "..Yeah it kind of just stared and did nothing... Ooo! I should ask Sun to make Sun clones for us." She pondered the possibility. "His can move around."

"While he can't." Blake countered, her eyes narrowing. "Are you implying his clones are better than mine?"

Ruby gasped, "uhhhhh no?"

Blake shook her head. "His aren't sentient or alive either." Ruby hummed, "Should we ask Sun to watch the show with us?"

"Sure why not, the more the merrier." Yang shrugged.

"Absolutely not." Weiss shook her head.

"Yeah this is an exclusive club!" Nora added.

"I have no objections." Blake chuckled. "But Sun has been catching up with his team and Scarlet is forcing them to train for the Vytal tournament."

Ruby hummed her understanding, "I want to show Sun and Neptune the show, I bet they'd like it."

"Yeah Tucker reminds me of Neptune sometimes." Yang chuckled.

Weiss let out an affronted gasp, "Neptune is NOTHING like Tucker."

Yang shrugged, "He's always after the ladies, you of all people should know that." She wiggled her eyebrows. Weiss blushed, only she and Jaune knew that she was the one to ask Neptune out. Not the other way around.

"Neptune is a gentleman where Tucker is.. most certainly not." Weiss stammered out.

"Yeah." Yang laughed before turning dead serious, "If he begins to act like Tucker I will kill him."

Weiss lightened and laughed, "Not before I do."

Open to starry space.

"Oh another anthology episode." Jaune tilted his head.

"B- they left us on a cliffhanger!" Ruby pouted.

"Not on a bad one." Jaune shrugged. "Just Church and Tucker following Carolina and Wash."

Ruby frowned, "Still a cliffhanger but.. the Anthology episodes have been good so far." She conceded. "I think I liked Room Zero the best."

"You're out of your mind, Get Bent was amazing." Yang laughed.

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