Chapter 5: Portal Mishap

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I am currently in my office just eating my lunch when I notice Helpy come into my office. I look up and smile at Helpy.
"Hey, Bryan? How would you like to try doing mini games with us animatronics again? I miss being able to." Helpy asks me with a soft smile.
I feel excited for the first time since what happened with the Seductive Rose.
I never want to go through that again. I never want to experience watching myself doing terrible things and not being able to do anything to stop it again.
"Yeah I would love to, Helpy. I missed doing mini games with you guys too!" I tell her with a happy grin. Helpy squeals in happiness.
I stand up from my desk and follow Helpy out to where the others are.
"Hey, Bryan!" Rockstar Foxy exclaimed in a happy tone.
"You joining us in mini games?" Lefty asks me curiously.
"I am, Lefty. It's been a while since I've done something like mini games with you guys. Lets head to the portal!" I say in a happy tone.
This is the happiest I've been in a year or two.
We all head into the portal room and we hop into the portal.
After I hop in, I feel some weird feeling. It felt familiar though.
Everything flashes a bright purple light and it blinds me.
After the purple light fades, I notice I am in a black void.
The same black void as when the Seductive Rose would taunt me about possessing me and making me hurt people. Including my friends.
My excitement quickly switches into a overwhelming sense of fear.
"No, no!" I cried out in my fear. I clench my head with both my hands.
I then hear the familiar evil laughter that I never wanted to hear ever again.

Meanwhile In Mini Games:

Helpy, Rockstar Foxy and Lefty appear in the murder mystery mini game and they notice Bryan laying on the floor unconscious.
"Bryan!" RS Foxy yells in worry. The three rush to him.
"What happened?!" Lefty asks in confusion and also worry.
"No idea! We should head back and get Freddy's help and most likely Jon's help as well." Helpy explains sternly.
RS Foxy and Lefty agree and they both wrap Bryan's arms around their necks.
Helpy takes everyone back to the pizzeria.
"Helpy, get Freddy and Jon!" Lefty orders Helpy as he and RS Foxy pull Bryan out of the portal.
Helpy nods and rushes out of the room.
Lefty and Foxy carries Bryan's unconscious body out into the main area and lays him on the carpet in front of the stage.
Moments later, RS Freddy and Jon rushes over towards them.
"What happened?" Jon asks as he sits right next to his best friend and picks up his head and lays it on his lap.
"We have no idea! We were going to do mini games and after arriving we found Bryan unconscious!" RS Foxy exclaimed in a panic.
Across the room, Molten watches the scene and he feels worried for Bryan for the first time in his life. If he could produce tears, he would probably have a few running down his face.

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