Chapter 1 - A mysterious job

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Natsu, Lucy and Happy were looking at the S rank board with Erza and Gray. They planned to do a big mission for a bunch of money. Lucy spotted a job that said "Explore ruins of an abandoned dark guild hall". Lucy took it off the board to get a closer look at the information. Under the Heading on the poster "This dark guildhall was cursed 180 years ago by a dark force. I am the (many greats) grand child of only remaining survivor of the tradegy that happened all those years ago. There are 14 wizards needed 2 of which need to be S-class and 1 needs to be a previous or current wizard saint". Lucy was about to put the poster back until  she saw the  reward "3,000,000 jewels for each person once you complete the job". 


Erza: *she takes the poster and has a look at it* Good find Lucy! We can ask out fellow guildmates and for the wizard saint we can ask Jellal.

Happy: I hope they have fish!

Natsu: Yeah! We'll get to fight!

Gray: Of course you would go to that Flame brain. 

Natsu: Watch it Ice Princess! *Natsu and Gray start to fight*

Erza and Lucy go down to the bar where Laxus sits and Mirajane is cleaning dishes. Erza  holds out the flyer for both Mirajane and Laxus to see.

Erza: Do you guys want to join us on this Job we need 14 people?

Lucy: Please guys!

Mirajane: It'll be nice experience for the guildmates...but Erza who is the Wizard saint going to be? *Mirajane smirks she knows fully well who*

Laxus: I'll join your little group but I am curious too. I have no idea you knew a wizard saint.

Erza: Well it's a long story but yeah I know a  former wizard saint. 

Lucy: Thanks! All we need are 8 more people!

Levy walks over to them reading a book then looking up at Lucy.

Levy: What're you talking about Lu Lu?

Lucy: Oh we're going on this job together want to join!

Levy: Sure It'll be fun!

Gajeel walks up behind Levy and he steals Levy's book holding it above her.

Levy: GIVE IT BACK! *she reaches for the book* 

Gajeel: I'll join you guys on this job. Mostly to look out for shrimp she's way too small and weak to protect herself! Gihihi! *Levy snatches the book back after Gajeel put it within her reach*

Mirajane: I can get Elfman to come as well! And as well as Juvia! *Natsu flys into Erza and then she beat him and Gray up*

Lucy: 2 more people left!

Wendy walks up to them with Romeo and Carla as they're eating ice cream. 

Wendy: I could hear  you guys needed two more people and I thought....would you mind if me and Romeo joined you guys...

Romeo: Please guys it'll be more experience! Me and Wendy are more powerful now! We won't hold you back we promise! 

Lucy: Of course you guys can come  but it might be a pretty hard fight the way the person was talking about it.....

Erza: *dragging Natsu and Gray by the collar* Good we'll all meet back here tomorrow pack only essential stuff! *her tone is demanding*

Everyone: O-okay!

Erza: Happy take Natsu home. Juvia you take Gray home I know you know where he lives. *Erza holds the two up for Happy and Juvia to take* 

Juvia walks to Erza from the corner she was looking at Gray from. Juvia hugs Gray.

Juvia: Juvia will get her beloved Gray home! *she ran out the door carrying Gray blushing*

Happy: Aye! Aye! *Happy takes Natsu and flies out of the Guildhall*

Lucy quickly ran out of the Guildhall overwhelmed by Erza's glare. Lucy kept thinking about the mission wondering what it might be like.

                                                                                   Lucy POV:

I'm walking home after I ran out. Erza scares me too much I feel like just her glare could kill me..... Anyway that job I found is going to pay my rent for months....but it sounded pretty dangerous I mean we're going up against the thing that killed and entire dark guild.....Surely if it was a person they would've died years ago....Wait! Maybe it's one of the books  of Zeref! Oh No! Well We defeated those other demons! The Tartaros that was their name! I miss Aquarius.....  It's been a while since that though! I've made many more  friends like Yukino, Kagura and the dragon twins! I'm next to the pier now. I love seeing the pier during the afternoon the sunset is amazing! 

Man on a boat: Make sure you don't fall over! One day it will happen trust me!

Me: *giggles* Don't worry I'll be careful Thank you for caring about me!

Man on boat: You still in that guild?

Me: Yeah I am! In fact I'm going on a job. Have you ever heard of the dark guild that got cursed 180 years ago?

Man on boat: I think it was called Shi no shikko-sha (Death's enforcer) I heard they got wiped out 180 years ago I don't know what by.

Me: Interesting! Thanks See you soon! *I run to a  book store and check out all the books under S and D*

I can't find anything on the dark guild....Oh man how disappointing this sucks! I guess I'll head home now....I'm excited but also scared...I arrive home and lay on my bed. I need to shower but I don't really feel like it. Oh well I've got no choice so I go and shower then get changed into pajamas.... I lay on my bed......goodnight...

No one's POV:

Zeref stands in his castle staring out a window then suddenly Mavis appears behind him.

Mavis: What is that huge blast of magic power Zeref...Tell me. Is that E.N.D no it doesn't seem like a demon but it still has cursed energy....please just tell me.

Zeref: I know what it is. Well who she is.


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