Hungry for Courage - Chapter 8

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Wendy POV:

Romeo is dragging me down this hallway. Oh no Erza is going to kill me now! 

Me: Romeo we should go back Erza is going to be so mad with us!

Romeo stops realizing Erza had told us to wait and by running into the pathway we are directly disobeying her orders. We both turn around to look at where we came from.

Me: Oh no the door's gone now we're doomed! Erza's gonna kill us! 

I say while hugging Romeo tightly. Romeo is just as scared as I am but he's hiding it. That's why he is so brave. I wish I was as brave as him...

Romeo: Don't worry Wendy we can just go down the hallway there should be an exit somewhere....

Me: Okay!

We walk down the hallway there are bite marks all over the walls. There are chunk missing in the poles and wooden posts. That's scary! I've gotta be brave! Gotta be brave.... I can't do it!

Romeo and I reach a door that is flimsy and not well put together. He opens it to find a woman gnawing on a plank of wood. 

Romeo: Hey Miss do you know where we are? 

Romeo walks closer to the woman I'm still clinging to his arm. I wish Carla was here! She'd know what to do..

The woman mumbles as she gets up and walks closer to us. My stomach rumbles. I'm starving I could eat anything... Wait why am I this hungry? Romeo looks at me.

The lady: Do you want some food?

I nod drooling at the thought of food. I let go of Romeo's arm and run over to the woman and she hands me a wooden plank and I bite it. It tastes good. More. I want more food. I'm starving.

Romeo POV:

What is Wendy doing?! She's eating a wooden plank and enjoying it... Who is this lady?

A guy in a knight suit runs towards me with a sword. W-wait What! 

The guy: Have some courage and face me! 

Me: Who are you! 

The guy: My name is COURAGE!

He swings the sword at me!

I get a wave of courage as my hands are engulfed with flames. He cuts my chest slightly then I punch him.

Courage I guess: What is your name kid! 

He slashes a piece of my clothing as I dodge. I kick him my foot engulfed with purple flames. He takes the kick not even flinching. I look over at Wendy who is still eating a plank with the lady. All of a sudden he slashes my arm leaving a huge cut. 

Wendy: Romeo! 

Wendy runs over to me. 

The lady: Wendy do you not feel hungry?

Wendy falls to the ground as her stomach rumbles. Courage slashes the sword at me and I dodge and run over to Wendy.

Wendy: M-miss Gluttony why....

Her eyes start tearing up.

Wendy: R-romeo it hurts...I'm so hungry...

Courage: Gluttony leave the poor girl alone. she is only a teen.

Gluttony: The boy is probably as old as her. 

Gluttony is taking a bite out of a plank. Wendy's dragon force was triggered as a reaction to the pain. Wendy stands up wobbling and tears rolling down her cheek.  


Wendy: I-it's f-fine Romeo.... I-i'm being brave...

Courage: Girl do you want to fight?

Wendy: O-okay....

Wendy's voice was trembling from the pain.

Romeo: What! Wendy no! You're in too much pain to fight!

Wendy's POV:

Miss Gluttony knocks out Romeo by throwing the plank at his head. I catch him. Oh no...Romeo I'm so sorry.... I'll get us out of here don't worry!


Mr Courage: Let's start fightin'!

Me: O-okay... I-i'll fight y-you...I-if I w-win you l-let me and R-romeo g-go...

Mr Courage: Sounds like a fun challenge! Let's go! 

He raises his sword. 

Me: S-sky m-magic W-wing a-attack!

I send powerful a wind attack at him breaking his sword! Yay! Romeo! Carla! I did it!

Mr Courage kicks me to a wall and it cracks. 

Me: S-sky D-dragon R-ROAR! 

It hits chest and his Armour plate breaks. The pain increases as I dodge his kick. Why do I feel this hungry.... It's like I haven't eaten in years...

Mr Courage: You are strong little girl! 

He kicks my gut as my dragon force decreases as I control it. 

Miss Gluttony: Why don't you eat something?

That gave me an idea! I eat the air and let out another Sky dragon roar. It sends courage into a wall.  I keep consuming air to satisfy my hunger even if it's only a bit. I'm being brave!

Miss Gluttony: She's a dragon slayer how wonderful.

She gnaws on the wood planks her tone not happy or angry or sad just nostalgic like she is remembering something. I keep dodging Mr courage's attacks using a speed enchantment I learnt two days ago!

Mr Courage: Why don't you stop dodging and fight!

He slams me into the ground. He turns to Miss Gluttony and I take the chance to crawl over to Romeo. I look around for an exit I can't find one... I have to think quickly or I don't know what might happen! Mr Courage towers over me and pick me up!

I fire a Air dragon roar at his face and he chuckles.

Mr Courage: This little girl sure has a lot of endurance!

Miss Gluttony: She's a dragon slayer after all you need to be careful you know what might happen if she's like him.

W-wait are they talking about Achnologia how do they know him?! Never mind that I need to get out of here! Mr Courage slams me into the wall repeatedly..... I kick him in the gut and he flies into the wall as my dragon force activates again. I walk up to Mr courage my face covered in cuts and bruises. I touch my face as I heal myself.

I walk over to him and kick him again....then I feel scared... W-why am I doing this.... Why is this so scary... l-I can't do this! 

No One's POV:

Wendy backs away her dragon force fading as the pain from her hunger sets in. Wendy falls backwards and suffers a concussion as her head hits the floor. Courage picks up both Wendy and Romeo.

Gluttony: Just throw them through the door... I don't know how she missed that...

Courage nods as he throws Wendy through the door then Romeo.

||Elfman and Evergreen next It'll be a shorter chapter it won't be as long as the rest of the chapters which are all over 1000 words||

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