Chapter 2 - The ruins of a dark guild

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No one's POV:

Lucy wakes up at the sound of knocking on the window above her bed. She sits up and looks out of the window to see Natsu banging on it. She closes the curtain then gets changed grabbing her bag then walking out of her apartment building. Natsu and  Happy greet Lucy as they run up to her.

Natsu: LUCY!!!!


Lucy: You guys ready to go?


Happy: Let's go right now!

They start to run to the guild and they see Erza and Jellal standing in front of the guildhall. Erza waves Lucy, Happy and Natsu over with a mountain of luggage. 

Erza: Grettings guys! Everyone else is at the train station so c'mon you guys.

Jellal: *he is wearing a hood* Hey Natsu, Lucy and  Happy.

Lucy: E-erza isn't that too much luggage...

Erza: I don't think it's enough but we must hurry to the train station!

Natsu tries to run away after hearing the word trains but Erza knocked him out and threw him over her shoulder. They walk to the train station and the train just arrived and the others are already sitting in the train. 

Levy: Lu Lu come sit next to me! *she pats the seat next to her and Lucy sits beside her*

Gajeel: *Is sitting on the other side of Levy*

Erza sits down with Jellal and puts the unconscious Natsu in the seat beside her. In front of them was Gray, Juvia and Evergreen.

Juvia: My beloved Gray is right next to me! This really is a blessing!

Gray: *sigh* (This is going to be a long trip....)

Evergreen: Why do I have to sit next to these fools. A magnificent creature like myself shall not be seated with peasants like y- *Erza is glaring at her* Y-you know what I-i'll shut up now... *her fan covers her mouth*

Wendy and Romeo are sitting together playing a card game while Mirajane, Laxus and Elfman are sitting together behind them.

Wendy: UNO!

Romeo: Oh No! 

Mirajane: How cute aren't they just adorable! I totally ship it!

Laxus: Calm down Mira they're like 12. *chuckles*

Elfman: Manly

After half an hour they arrive at the stop they needed to go they all exit the train, and a guy is standing with a sign waiting for them.

Man: My name is Haru Toriko I'm the one who posted the job that you accepted.

Erza: Nice to meet you I'm Erza Scarlet of Fairytail! If you wouldn't mind, we would like to get the abandoned guild hall to complete this job.

Jellal: Yes, I agree. 

Haru: Yes, follow me!

Haru leads them through a forest to a building with vines all over the outside. Despite being very old the building is still mostly intact.

Erza: Get ready to face whatever powerful being is in there!

Lucy: Erza we should probably leave our bags out here, so they don't get destroyed...

Haru: I'll take your bags and keep them safe.

Erza: Thank you!

Evergreen: Exactly peasant *gives Haru her bag*

Mirajane: Thank you! *she gives Haru her bag*

Natsu is fighting with Gray, so Lucy gives Haru both their bags plus her own.

Lucy: Thank you Haru

Laxus: Here my bag *He tosses Haru his bag*

Wendy: Do you need help? I'm sorry *gives Haru her bag*

Romeo: Thanks *gives Haru his bag*

Elfman: Manly! *gives Haru his bag*

Jellal: *gives Haru his bag* Thank you.

Juvia: Here is Juvia's bag *gives Haru her bag*

Gajeel: Here's mine and Shrimp's bag *passes him the two bags*

Levy: I could've done that myself!

Erza: *Gives him her mountain of luggage* Be safe. Now let's go inside!

They enter the abandoned guild hall when they entered the door closed behind them. There were 7 doors in front of them. above the first door it said "Love and Lust" above the second "Sloth and Creativity" above the third "Gluttony and Courage" above the forth "Pride and Wisdom" above the fifth "Wrath and Tolerence" above the sixth  "Greed and Freedom" and above the seventh and final door "Envy and Truth". On the  floor in black ink it says 2 per door.

Erza: We should think strategically in pairings ju- 

Natsu already took Lucy's hand and ran into the seventh door and Juvia grabbing Gray's arm and leading him into second door. Romeo got pushed by Natsu by accident into the third door and Wendy ran after Romeo into the third door. Elfman saw what Natsu did and dragged Evergreen into fourth door. Gajeel didn't want to be outdone so he dragged Levy into the sixth door. Erza stands there angry so she goes to kick down the door, but it didn't break in fact it disappeared.

Mirajane: Well, we better just go into a door... Me and Laxus will go through the fifth door...

Erza: *sighs* You ready Jellal.....we're going through the first door...

Jellal: ready as I'll ever be....

Laxus: Don't die! *He and Mira run through the fifth door, and it disappears*

Happy: They forgot about me! At least I have Fishys!

Erza POV:

They don't ever listen to me do they. I guess I've got to do this once we meet back up again, they're all dead. At least 3 people listened to me how sad. Me and Jellal walk through the first door and as we do it disappears. I realize I'm walking down the hallway with Jellal. I-i mean it should be a normal thing to do with a friend... We reach the end of the hallway where there is a black door with a pink love heart on it. I open the door requipping into my Heaven's wheel amour.

A voice that's cheery and energetic speaks it's a woman that's the description of what love looks like but human: Look! Look! Its new friends Lust! YIPEE!

A seductive and hypnotizing voice responds it belongs to a woman who looks like if Lust was a human (use your imagination): Indeed, it seems so. You want to play the game with them don't you Love?

The woman who I assume is named Love nods. What is happening Who are they!? They're not human so what are they?!


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