Slow artwork - Chapter 6

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Juvia's POV:

Grey is dragging Juvia! AAAAAH! This is the best day of Juvia's life! Take that love rival! Point for Juvia! It's Juvia's Grey not hers she can go with any other guy except Juvia's beloved Grey! Juvia's beloved Grey is even holding her hand! Now that Juvia looks around this hallway is really colourful and doused in paint and sculptures. It's so beautiful Juvia can't wait to see how this room at the end of the hallway looks.  Juvia's beloved Grey stops when we reach a door covered in paint splotches. Juvia's beloved Grey opens the door and Juvia sees a man he looks like what creativity would that's nice! 

The man speaks looking up from her easel: Oh, hello you must be Juvia and Grey how nice to meet you! Now Sloth what shall I do with them?

The woman lying in the hammock who I assume is named Sloth talks: Creaty kill...them or.....whatever I'm.....not bothered....

Creaty: I see Grey you have a lot of creativity inside you what a waste....

Beloved Grey:  Ice Glasier! *Creaty dodged the attack easily Grey keeps attacking Creaty and she keeps dodging easily like she is predicting beloved Grey's attacks!*

Juvia: Water lock! *Creaty dodged it easily how!* 

Creaty: If you're wondering I am someone's creativity and I can see it all! *Creaty takes his finger and draws in the air soon a cartoony dragon appears it's really cute!*

The cute dragon breathes a huge wave of blue fire at us scorching the tip of Juvia's hair and Juvia's beloved grey's shirt! There was nothing left of Juvia's beloved Grey's shirt...

Beloved Grey: What the hell! That was not cool!

Creaty: You want cold, do you?

Grey: Bring it!

Creaty starts throwing things made of cartoony ice at Grey and he thought it might not hurt him if he fused the ice with his own, but Creaty took the opportunity and stabbed beloved Grey. He attacked Creaty clenching his stomach but yet again she dodged. Juvia runs over to beloved Grey and shoots an attack at Creaty and it slashes her a bit. 

Creaty: There was no Creativity behind that attack! That's just slopy! Be Creative! 

Creaty paints a huge realistic demon it was super creepy, but Juvia decided while beloved Grey distracted her Beloved Grey was fighting with the creepy demon so ferociously, I could help but stare at him! KYAHHH!

Creaty sent slashes towards Juvia and slashed Juvia a bunch! Juvia needed to act quickly so without thinking Juvia stabbed Creaty's arm Juvia did it! 

Creaty: The demon screams... The scream is loud..... So much sound..... That can't be found...

Juvia: T-that's creepy AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! 

Juvia gets stabbed with a bunch of firey blades....

Beloved Grey: JUVIA!! *b-beloved grey ran over to Juvia a-and hugged j-juvia He Hugged Me! Juvia is so happy...Juvin so glad h-he is alright...*

No one's POV:

Juvia passed out and Grey put her down softly and stood up properly. It was a rough battle it was a tie but when both Grey and Creativity fall to the ground there is a flash of brown as Sloth appears next to Juvia in a split second.

Sloth: This one can still move... Get up... I see she..... needs a bit.... of time to.... rest....

Juvia is still unconscious as Sloth lays next to her and sleeps from a bit. They just lay there. Blood all over the floor. Creativity glitching golden text appearing all over him. It's quiet quiet more noise......just quiet for a while. Until Sloth start snoring. Juvia starts moving shakily standing up and walking over to Grey. Sloth appears infront of her.

Sloth: Are you leave? If so....I'll remove.... my seal....too keep it...

Juvia: W-why is Sloth so fast.... why is  Sloth helping Juvia ...What is even going on!

Sloth: Too.... many questions.... Not much... time 

Juvia: Time for what! *Juvia then falls to her knees* Juvia is not bothered ....Juvia...

Sloth: Don't say... .that you're getting.... me well....

Juvia: Maybe Sloth wants to rest with  Juvia....

Sloth looks at Juvia then at Grey who is bleeding on the floor. Sloth isn't really that evil it's just easier being evil then good for her. Sloth sighs while walking towards Juvia. Sloth places her hands  together  then flicks Juvia's forehead before sitting down and getting ready to fall asleep. Juvia then feels a jolt of energy she's still injured from creativity's attacks but it's like all the pain is gone! 

Juvia: What did Sloth do to Juvia! Juvia feels so energized!

Sloth: Reversed the.... effect of... my power.... now leave.... so I... can sleep...

Juvia: Thank Sloth so much! Sloth should co-

Creativity screams as the gold writing moves and shifts on his body. Juvia runs over to gray and puts him on her back. Grey hugs Juvia and Juvia gets heart eyes. Sloth points to a brown wooden door which is bland compared to everything else in the room.

Sloth: Girl... Room.... Seal.... Demon... Confused... Go...

Juvia is confused about what Sloth was talking about or who. Juvia  just smiles then goes over to the door then opening it. She sees Erza, Jellal, Mira, Levy, Gajeel and Laxus she walks up to them.

Juvia: S-so fast... Help... Juvia and beloved Grey... 

Juvia fainted and you know the rest.

Erza sits down then Elfman and Evergreen go flying through a door and lands face first into the wall right next to Erza. Erza shocked stands up and Wendy goes flying into Erza and Erza catches her next a Romeo.

Gajeel: The pipsqueaks!?

Mirajane: Wendy! Romeo!

Laxus: What the hell!?

Levy: Oh no they look injured!

Levy ran to Wendy to try and wake her up. If Wendy wakes up they can heal everyone but it seems she is knocked out cold. Erza lays down Evergreen, Elfman and Romeo so they're comfortable.

Erza: I feel bad for them I wish they got our room instead all I did was answer questions. You see this is what happens when you don't listen to me. When they wake I'll give them a piece of my mind.

Gajeel was in a corner hoping Erza forgot about him. For safe measures he fell asleep he wasn't gonna risk being beaten up by Erza.


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