Chapter 4 - MINE MINE MINE

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Levy POV:

Gajeel just picked me up and started running through the door! Who does that! The hallway is very shiny almost like it's meant for royals. So, I mean at least he choose the less scary ones. Maybe this won't be too bad y'know maybe it's just an exit... Think Positive Levy! The door looks grand I feel like we're about to meet a princess or something like that! 


Gajeel: Fine shrimp *he puts me down gently and breaks down the door revealing a very fancy throne room with a throne in the center of it sitting in the throne was a man who matched the description of what you would describe greed would look like as a human man*

A woman who matches the description of what you would describe Freedom would look like as a woman. The woman she looks at us and smiled how nice we did choose a good door then!

Greed: I want them destroyed Freedom and I want their valuables.

Freedom: I shall only hurt them and I won't steal. Miss Chiuka would be displeased if I did, she worked hard to create us virtues into the real world to help people not steal and kill.

Greed: She created you softy virtues for that reason us sins were only for combat I think my patience for you is slipping so hurry up and kill, hurt or whatever!

Me: W-what is going on this is strange!? I've never seen someone like you people!

Greed: This one is cute I want it! Give it to me!

Gajeel: I don't think so. IRON DRAGON ROAR!!! *Gajeel aims his attack at greed  Freedom puts her hand towards it and it disperses*

Freedom:  I do not consent to this lack of Freedom of speech.


Greed: HAHAHAHA! You guys are such losers! Now give me the girl! I want her and nothing can stop me!


Greed: I can, and I will.

Freedom: I won't allow you to get in the way of someone's freedom Greed. 

Greed: *sticks his tongue out at her*

Gajeel: *Gajeel continues to attack Greed Freedom keep dispersing the attack while taking damage*

Freedom: You're very strong was it Gajeel?

Gajeel: How the Hell do you know my name!

Freedom: The girl you called Shrimp called you that right, so I assumed that was your name.

Me: My name is Levy.

Freedom: Greetings Levy thank you for telling me.

Me: Nice to meet you.

Gajeel lands a hit on Greed.

Greed: You want to eat. you want to hang out with Levy. *While his face bleeds while his eyes turn green*

Gajeel's eyes flash green as he walks over to Levy and Freedom.

Gajeel: Shrimp wanna get lunch?

Me: We need to go meet up with Erza and the others. Wait until after.

Gajeel: I wanna do it now. I want to eat, and I want to hang out with you.

Me: Gajeel not now.

Freedom: He won't listen to you Greed used his power to put him in a trance...

Me: Can you get him out of the trance Freedom?

Freedom: I can each Sin is directly opposed by a virtue that can easily counteract their power.

Gajeel started to drag me. WHAT THE HELL! 


Freedom: Of course. *her eyes flash green* You shall be free to feel whatever you want!

Gajeel's eyes flash green and he stops walking and attacks Greed again hitting him.

Freedom: Um...Levy may I ask you something?

Me:  Sure thank you by the way...*I sigh*

Freedom: So there is this girl who is trapped and sealed away can you please help her....

Me: Of course! Where is she? I'll be happy to help!

Freedom: I can't save her but maybe you can....My seal has been removed already and I am more than willing to get Greed to remove his.... but you have to leave the room with Gajeel... *Freedom says awkwardly. I wonder what she is going to do...*

Me: Where do I go to leave the door is gone.

Freedom: There is a red and white door in the corner it'll lead you to the girl and your friends...Please just help her...

Me: I'll do my best!

I walk over to Gajeel who is brawling with Greed it's a fist fight. I grab Gajeel's arm.

Greed: Hey! Hey! I was fighting him! Don't interfere! *Freedom grabs Greed's arm as she mouth go to me*

I take Gajeel's hand and run through a red and white door quickly following Freedom's instructions. We enter a dark room kind of like a dungeon without cells I look over and see Erza and Jellal. I look to my other side and see a bloodied-up Mira and Laxus... I look in front of me and see a girl in a chair she has messy brown hair her eyes closed she wears rags and looks around 20 or 19... there is writing all over her body.... I walk closer to her but I get pushed back by something....

In Zeref's castle continuation from chapter 1

No one's POV:

Zeref: It was a nice day I explored a dark guild I came to a dungeon. There was a small girl about 18 years old. I recognized her well she looked like the younger version of someone I had met previously. I had seen her before 320 years prior. 

Mavis: It must have been her ancestor then it's highly unlikely it's the same person.

Zeref: I thought so too but she recognized me though she didn't remember meeting me.

Mavis: That's odd why not?

Zeref: Her memory was reset along with her age. Not really reset more like stored away.


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