A girl in three different times - Chapter 5

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No one's POV:

Mavis: Why am I only sensing her power signature now then.

Zeref: Because her powers increased as she was trapped in the seals she created.

Mavis: Why now though why is it so random?

Zeref: She seems to come back whenever she feels like it this time, she sealed herself to the point she can't free herself...

Mavis: When was she first on this earth....obviously it's not just now...

Zeref: I believe she was born around the same time as Achnologia..

Mavis:  Is she dangerous? Wait! Is she evil!

Zeref: It'll depend... has the curse fully taken over her brain or did it not take over her brain at all?

Mavis: It's faint but she still has half her brain free from the curse...

Zeref: Then she should only be in a bit of control but that is not my concern I couldn't care less what she does.

Mavis: Well my guildmates are facing whatever she is right now!

Zeref: That's not my concern. My concern is finding out what Achnologia's next move is.

Mavis: Y'know who might know?~ *she says in a playful voice*

Zeref: Wait you know what Achnologia's next move is!

Mavis: Maybe~ 

Zeref: C'mon tell me! Now that us and Achnologia are revived great chaos may ensue.

Mavis: I know but still I need to think about my guild as well this is also a good opportunity to make a good impression on them Zeref!

Zeref: Why would I care about that?

Mavis: What about your little brother?

Zeref: Okay we can go help them after I get the whereabouts of Achnologia and what his plan is.

Mavis: Yay! We're going to see the guild again! *she does a happy dance while Zeref watches her while smiling*

Zeref POV: (I wonder if we could revive her that would make this much easier. Or maybe August.... no she would be more beneficial to revive) 

Mavis: Whatcha thinking about Zeref?

Zeref: I might try and revive her since there is only one person we can bring back with our powers combined.

Mavis: What her are you talking about? there are two hers so just say a name!

Zeref: Irene Belserion that's who I'm referring to... that Chiuki girl is still alive just sealed up.

Mavis: I get it now thanks Honey! *she runs away giggling as Zeref blushes while looking at an ancient map*

Zeref: Well this will be interesting....

Back in the Dark Guild Hall dungeon

Levy, Erza, Jellal, Laxus and Mirajane stare at each other when all of a sudden, a beaten-up Juvia carrying, and unconscious Grey runs through a door. Erza runs over to Juvia as does Levy and Jellal.

Erza: Juvia what happened!

Juvia: S-so fast... Help... Juvia and... Beloved Grey...

Juvia passes out but as she does some of the writing on the girl's body glows. The words Sloth, Creativity, Greed, Freedom, Love and Lust glow the magic force pushing people away got weaker.

Erza: Whatever the hell this thing is we will get past it and free this poor girl. 

Jellal: This thing must break at some point so maybe attacking it might prove to be a good tactic.

Levy: Maybe this girl can heal Juvia and Grey she surely has to be strong!

Gajeel was eating iron chains in the corner while everyone was talking.

||Hi whoever is reading this the events the lead Grey and Juvia here will be next chapter also sorry for the short chapter||

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