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ᴀᴜᴛʜᴏʀ'ꜱ ɴᴏᴛᴇ: hello, dear reader! i'm just here to give you a warning before you continue reading. there will be suggestive content in this chapter. again, it's not like any of you should be surprised since i did mark this book as mature. still...just wanted to tell you!


ayato was scared of what was to come. he felt faint and weak when he sat down in the forming circle in his family's living room beside an equally nervous shozo kurosawa who— in a desperate attempt to calm himself and seem that he's all put together (even though it's painfully obvious he's just as anxious as everyone else who decided to join in the game)— combed his hair back with one of his hands.

ayato, on the other hand, couldn't seem to get in control of his breathing. how could this have happened? easy: he let in a bunch of reckless, untrustworthy teenagers into his home and they decided to take advantage of that. something tells him he'll have to clean up a lot tomorrow morning. but at the moment, ayato's just happy that y/n even showed up to his party. still...he cannot let anyone but himself be with her for seven minutes in heaven.

'rihito better know what he's doing...' he thought, letting out a shaky sigh.

just then, one of the girls, kokuma jutsu, cleared her throat. "so..." she spoke up. "h-how are we, uh...going to decide who goes with who?" she hesitantly asked, but it did raise a valid point.

"we could grab a bottle and spin it like we're playing spin the bottle. only this time each of us gets a...special...one-on-one time with the person." sakyu basu recommended which caused ayato's heart to practically drop. the only reason why he was joining was because he wanted to prevent y/n from getting into a cramped place with anyone else and rihito promised him that he'd help. how the hell was he supposed to cheat with a bottle?

"nah!" rihito butted into the conversation with an exaggerated flair. "let's just write our names down on pieces of paper, toss them in a hat, and i'll be drawing your names. can't trust you guys, you might try to cheat and that's no fun to the others."

"and how do we know we can trust you?" sakyu smirked.

"because i'll write my name too and join you guys. it's not like i have anything else better to do." rihito straightened himself out. "for those who don't know how this game works, allow me to explain," he starts. "i will draw two names and those two have seven whole minutes to do whatever they want in a confined space or you may even do nothing if that's what you desire. whatever it was, it had to be done in seven minutes."

"i mean..." y/n thought about it for a second. "that seems fair. yeah...let's do it, but where do you think you're going to find a hat in a place like th—" before she could finish, rihito hopped out of the small circle they'd created on the living room floor, jumped over the couch, and snatched the mask off of a sniper mask costume who, once unmasked, was revealed to be a shocked and annoyed mantaro sashimasu. rihito hurried and rejoined the group by leaping over the couch once more. "figures..." y/n whispered under her breath, looking away just in case some sort of argument was about to arise from rihito taking a piece of a well-done costume without consent.

"hey! give my mask back! do you have any idea how long it took for me to mask that thing?!" mantaro scowled, leaning over the couch with his hands grabbing at the air. desperate for it.

"tut-tut, sashimasu, this is for a greater cause." rihito dismissed his classmate with a mere flick of his wrist.

"oh, my girlfriend is going to kill me..." with his head bowed, mantaro whined and then walked off.

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