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ᴀᴜᴛʜᴏʀ'ꜱ ɴᴏᴛᴇ: i think my greatest achievement was giving info-kun a name that means "cold; dignified" since it just fits the character so well.


before ayato aishi even knew it, halloween was upon him. and to help him set up rihito who was decked out in his ronald mcdonald (he purposefully made himself look scary) costume, sprawled out on the couch as he watched as ayato hurried from place to place in his house, making sure everything looked just right.

"are you going to get up and help me?" ayato finally asked, opening a few snacks, pouring them into bowls, and setting them on the kitchen island.

"looks like you got it from here."

rolling his eyes, ayato finished up cleaning the house, but as soon as he threw some trash away, he reminded himself how he had spent most of his time fawning over y/n and worrying about his party being perfect that he'd forgotten that he needed a costume. "great..." he said sarcastically to himself, but it didn't go unnoticed.

"what was that?" rihito looked up from the couch, looking at ayato quizzically.

"it's...nothing. i, uh, just forgot to buy a costume," he explained which prompted rihito to cackle. costumes were appreciated at this party and the most ironic part was that he— the host forgot one. how stupid is that? "i'm going to check upstairs and see if i can make one with what i have. if anyone comes, just...keep them down here. please."

"you got it, boss." rihito gave ayato a two-finger salute.

hurrying to his room, ayato opened his closet door and tried to search for something that resembled a costume, and just by the looks of it, he had no other choice but to try an dress up as light yagami whose main outfit consisted of a tan suit and red tie. oh well. it's better than nothing, but his attire wasn't exactly on the nose unless some of his party-goers are avid anime fans.

"screw it..." even though it wasn't idle to wear a suit, he didn't want to risk possibly being made fun of by more people for not showing up in a costume at his party. besides, maybe y/n will like him in a suit...he can only dream that she'll compliment him tonight.

when he finally went back downstairs, rihito smirked when he saw ayato and decided to playfully wolf whistle. "look at you all dressed up." he said, but it didn't take long for his smile to droop down into a frown as he tried to wrack his brain to figure out who ayato dressed as. "who even are you supposed to be?" he eventually gave up and decided to simply ask.

"kira," he replied which prompted rihito to nod in reply, giving him a small thumbs up to show that he perfectly understood the reference.

slowly but surely, familiar faces from akademi high school started to arrive at his house. first, it was the bullies who surprisingly all dressed up for the occasion. zombies, one of the most popular costumes in japan during halloween. then came sakyu basu and her sister inkyu basu as succubi followed by budo masuta and mina rai dressed in a devil/angel duo.

many other people joined after this, but ayato didn't bother to acknowledge them since his main concern was whether y/n was going to show up or not.

but when it was time for the delinquents to arrive, it came to no one's surprise that they didn't get all dolled up in some extravagant costumes in a desperate attempt to impress their classmates. instead, a few of them— hokuto furukizu and hayanari tsumeato— brought alcohol, but not a colorful variety. they just brought happoshu which is simply a cheaper alternative to beer. how on earth were they able to get their hands on it?

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