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by the time ayato and y/n finally got back to their classroom, cleaning time had already finished and their instructor was beginning to wrap things up for dismissal, meaning that they had to separate, much to the dark-haired boy's dismay. he enjoyed being by his darling's side and it sucked that he couldn't admire her beautiful face when in class. he can only stare longingly at the back of her head.

'she...came to see me.' ayato couldn't even begin to describe how grateful he was. y/n was worried about him. that must say something about her feelings about him. 'yeah, or maybe she just feels guilty that her friends were picking on me.' he couldn't help but grow sour at how much they were butting in on his beloved's personal life. though, ayato had to admit that he found it endearing that some of her friends assumed that they were dating.

they would make a cute couple. ayato knows that his mother would agree with him on that. he knew in his heart that she would love y/n.

"ayato!" an unexpected hushed voice called out to the dark-haired boy who didn't bother to see who it was. he knew who was trying to get his attention: it was rihito. it had to be, who else could be this much of a pain in the ass? "yo, check your phone!" rihito continued, and caving in, ayato tried to be discreet about pulling his device out of his pocket to check his messages. scrolling through his messages, ayato sees that he has a small handful of missed texts from an unknown number.

using smartphones during class is prohibited in principle, especially in a prestigious school like akademi high school. this is to prevent disruption to lessons and deterioration in the quality of communication between students, so ayato will just have to be sneaky. he didn't want to get into trouble because if his parents had service, then the news of their only child getting into trouble would surely ruin their cruise.


u good?

whered u run off to

yoooo lmao your girlfriend
is coming to get u

just a warning

ayato wasn't half as bothered to answer rihito's messages right away. what was really itching in the back of his mind was if there was anyone else who was particularly close with y/n. any more competition that he needed to wipe out. any more rivals or irregularities that needed to be dealt with.

slumping in his chair a little bit to conceal himself from the prying eyes of his teacher, ayato texted info-kun.


i'm fine. but i
have a question.

fire away

is there anyone
else i should know of
that has a crush on y/n?


don't tell me ur
getting self-conscious
already, aishi

just answer my question.

would it be too indecent if ayato tried to confess under the cherry blossom this friday? or is it too early to even begin to think of something as bold as that? "ugh..." the dark-haired boy groaned. he hated waiting, he just wanted to be done with this.

he already knew how he felt about y/n, but how did she feel about him? this was all too confusing and he didn't want to spoil what they had right now, especially if his darling is unsure or has not reciprocated his emotions yet.

as he began to think of all the possibilities of how confessing to her could go, most of them bad, ayato stopped when he saw rihito texted him back. took him long enough...


if u want the truth...

idk if any other students
have a crush on y/n

he doesn't...know? that can't be good. if there is another student, or perhaps even more, who romantically likes y/n, ayato doesn't want them running amok! what if they confess before him and she accepts? then he would've failed and y/n would've gained herself a partner that isn't ayato. he hated that idea so much. there are so many ways to kill a person—fake their suicide, tying weights to their ankles and sink them to the bottom of the school's pool, electrocute them, poison them, and so much more.

that's one thing ayato is thankful for, rihito knows how to keep a secret and even after he killed shinji kimura, the info-club still provided their services to him. still, he can't just kill the entire school. it would be too suspicious if he and y/n were the last survivors or somehow went missing. he wish that he could just take her. take her far from here. well...that actually doesn't sound like a bad idea.

ayato had been hard at work making her a comfy place in his house if and when he was to abduct her. the thought of kidnapping her did seem like a good idea right about now. he didn't have to worry about anyone making any sudden moves without his say so. he would have complete control of the situation and...when y/n shared the same feelings, they could finally become one and be each other's first and last loves.

he just wishes he had come prepared. if he had known that he would've come to that conclusion today, ayato would have made sure to hide some supplies in his backpack. maybe next time. but right now, his intense gaze fixed on the clock's hands. he just wanted to go home and think about everything. it's easier for him to make plans concerning y/n when he's in the safety of his own home and away from the prying eyes of everybody else.

"ayato?" a voice tried to get his attention once more. assuming that it was rihito, the dark-haired boy ignored it. after all, they were texting each other, so there was no point in trying to talk to him vocally. it'll bring too much attention and they might get in trouble, despite the school day almost being over. "ayato?" the person continued.

having enough of it, "i thought i told you to leave me alo—" when ayato finally looked up, he was met with the sight of y/n. talking to him. he immediately shut himself up and stared at her with wide eyes.

"sorry..." she bashfully whispered and then proceeded to lean closer, so ayato could hear her more easily. the closeness was abrupt and left him speechless and his face hot. he bit his lower lip. "i was just going to ask you if you had plans after school because my friends and i are making plans to go out karaokeing, but one of them bailed on us, so we need a replacement. so, i was wondering if maybe you'd like to join us?" y/n finally asked.

ayato's heart raced, and a surge of euphoria coursed through him. she had noticed him, considered him. his dark eyes met hers and he managed to respond, "you...want me to go out with you?" ayato repeated. albeit not the exact words she used (and the fact he's making it seem like they were going out on a date even though people don't usually bring their friends with them on dates), he felt happy nonetheless.

"if only you want to," she added.

"o-okay, yeah. that would be great. thank you." he answered, mostly composed, trying to fight off his

y/n's face lit up, a mix of relief and genuine excitement. "no, thank you," she giggled. "we're all planning on meeting up at the school's gate." with a small smile, she leaned back and turned back around to pay attention to whatever departing words their teacher wanted to tell them before the school day ended. but ayato couldn't care what words rino fukahori had to say right now.

y/n just asked him to hang out with her! this is a big deal, a huge deal even.

whilst he wished it was just the two of them, it was still such a precious moment in ayato's eyes. aside from her attending his halloween party, this will be the first time they're hanging outside of a school setting and he cannot wait for it.

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